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Length: 3:48
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Above venitian doors
His window box boasts crimson flowers
Fresh cut the day before
And you couldn't find a smile
If you nailed it to his face
But Jesus Christ hangs his head with grace
And if Venice is sinking
I'm going under
'Cause beauty's religion
And its Christened me with wonder
They come in bent-backed
Creeping 'cross the floor all dressed in black
Candles, thick as pillars
You can buy one off the floor
And the ceiling's painted gold
Mary's hair is red
The old come here to kiss their dead
And if Venice is sinking
I'm going under
'Cause beauty's religion
And its Christened me with wonder
We made love upon a bed
That sagged down to the floor
In a room that had a postcard on the door
Of Marini's Little Man
With an erection on a horse
It always leaves me laughing
Leaves me feeling that of course if
Venice is sinking
I'm going under
'Cause beauty's religion
And its Christened me with wonder
(repeat chorus)
Love this. Is that a tuba?
Well, there goes listening to Radio Paradise at work
Sad day. :o(
For so long I was so sure Main Mix was work safe.
Boss does not think so now.
... he had to stop by my area just before the line about the postcard ðŸ˜
In Canada, this song was played on mainstream music TV and AM radio at all times of the day when it was released back in 1993. Your boss needs a stickotomy for the lumber wedged up his ass.
Sad day. :o(
For so long I was so sure Main Mix was work safe.
Boss does not think so now.
... he had to stop by my area just before the line about the postcard ðŸ˜
Yet another cracker from Canadia... adore the country's culture and humour more and more.
Very reminiscent of later Waterboys material too, which is no bad thing.
I'm sure this could have led into New Orleans is sinking, by the Hip though!
i was just going to say something about the Waterboys here, too!! good call.

(personally glad not to have heard the Hip before or after this song, though.

I'd like to dedicate this one to John Mann, who I just learned, passed away today. He was 57.
Ah, the Spectrum... good memories.
Last chance to dance! Spirit of the West are giving their final three shows next month at Vancouver's famous Commodore Ballroom. https://sotw.ca/shows
Running through the comments...and this...well, just about wrecked me for the moment. So sad that they are no more...and that John has left us. So many great memories of seeing these guys. Loved SOTW...and John's ability to make me think. Would love to hear Political or The Old Sod on RP one day. As I mentioned in a previous comment, while Venice was a pretty big song for these folks, it wasn't really reflective of their discography.
RIP John...you inspired so much joy and thoughtfullness...gonna go throw on my vinyl of Labour Day and hoist a pint for you pal...miss you...
Correct me if I'm wrong but I think SECA_Alan meant followed in the playlist, not in writing or releasing. It would be a fun seque.
From both a SOTW and Hip fan (and in Canada no less!)
Ah, yes; you're right. I misunderstood.
We could have some fun with this and suggest "Wreck of the Edmund Fitzgerald" next, followed by Dido's "White Flag" ("..go down with this ship..."), and finish with "My Heart Will Go On", from the 'Titanic' movie, lol..
Godspeed, John. You enriched and agitated and inspired and raged. You made our lives brighter, more colourful, richer. Yours are essential melodies and relevant, beautiful poetry. Your courage in face of your diagnosis is now legend. Thank you. Merci.
Beautifully said.
Sorry, the Hip's "New Orleans Is Sinking" came out 4 years earlier.
Correct me if I'm wrong but I think SECA_Alan meant followed in the playlist, not in writing or releasing. It would be a fun seque.
From both a SOTW and Hip fan (and in Canada no less!)
Very reminiscent of later Waterboys material too, which is no bad thing.
I'm sure this could have led into New Orleans is sinking, by the Hip though!
The Hip's "New Orleans Is Sinking" came out 4 years earlier.
Very reminiscent of later Waterboys material too, which is no bad thing.
I'm sure this could have led into New Orleans is sinking, by the Hip though!
Gone too soon.
(John has passed since I wrote this originally...so very sad...he was magical on stage. If you have the chance, try to watch the recorded farewell concert that they did at Massey Hall in T.O. John was at once inspiring and heartbreaking for this show. You could see moments of lucidity cross his face and then the blankness and confusion would reappear. Any illness that steals one's soul is truly evil...)
Caught an interview with Jill Daum - John Mann's wife - on CBC recently. Her play Forget About Tomorrow is opening in Vancouver soon. She started writing it early in his diagnosis, before anyone else knew about it. It features the last two songs he wrote.
She said up until recently he was able to run with her and had much of his own agency still. Unfortunately he has taken a downturn and is now living in care. Terry David Mulligan blogged about recently visiting John with Jim Byrnes. He wrote "If he recognized us I didn’t see it."

Howdy friendly friend to the north! I helped the cause...rated it an 8...this one is pretty funny to read comments on....thanks for playing this tune, BillG!
I did my part. This is an excellent if quirky song that absolutely deserves more appreciation. Why others are bothered, I cannot guess.

Too sad.
Thank you ; )
It is not referring to equine genitalia........Look up Marini's Little Man....

DeemerDave, you might want to read the lyrics carefully before we start calling you "Equus."
But hey, history can be a hoot. It's kelcher time, kids! Maybe Peggy Guggenheim inspired King Missile's "Detachable Penis"...which RP will never play.
(I think the gent in the pic below is trying not to drool...)

There are many representations of male genitals at the Getty Museum, most on the baby Jesus or displaying shrinkage, to paraphrase the Guerilla Girls and Seinfeld. Only one is erect, that on Marino Marini’s 1948-9 Angel of the Citadel.
Peggy Guggenheim (above) described Angel of the Citadel in her memoir, Confessions of an Art Addict: “It was a statue of a horse and rider, the latter with his arms spread out in ecstasy, and to emphasize this, Marino added a phallus in full erection. But when he had it cast in bronze for me he had the phallus made separately, so that it could be screwed in and out at leisure.”
Erections were rarely a subject for Western art prior to Lynda Benglis. In that regard Marini, not known as an innovator, would have been daring. But art historian Angelica Zander Rudenstine supplied a few details that Guggenheim downplayed. Marini’s plaster models had only a Ken-doll bump in the genital region. It was Guggenheim who requested a penis. Marini complied, casting it separately.
The Guggenheim sculpture is displayed at her Venice (Italy) home, below, now a branch of New York’s Guggenheim Museum. “When the nuns came to be blessed by the Patriarch, who on special holy days, went by my house in a motor boat, I detached the phallus of the horseman and hid it in a drawer,” Guggenheim wrote. “I also did this on certain days when I had to receive stuffy visitors, but occasionally I forgot, and when confronted with the phallus found myself in great embarrassment.”

It is not referring to equine genitalia........Look up Marini's Little Man....

John Mann has been around forever, singing and acting...80's? Married to Jill Daum. heh, the kids go by the surname of Daumann, IIRC.
the airport is now one of the best in the world, mind you, you'll pay for priviledge, but compared to Charles De Gaulle, heh, it's the schitz.
still lots of good music to be heard, check out Rogue Folk for details.
Having said that, this be the station to listen to.
Ha! Rogue Folk! I was a member back when. I saw some amazing shows at the W.I.S.E and other spots....damn that was fun stuff. From Karen Matheson to Dougie McLean, Don Ross.....Peter Finger was a highlight...just amazing club that brought in some amazingly talented artists that never would have had a place to play without them.

I agree.
SOTW is still around, doing a few concerts here and there in Canada. Occasionally they work with other musicians, such as Ashley McIsaac, the Paperboys, and Great Big Sea.
Saw them at Bogart's in Cincinnati about a hundred years ago.
How about anything from "Save This House"?
Agree! Love "Save This House". Their best, I think.
No mystery here given the lyrics: "Marini's little man with an erection on a horse" is a sculpture in the garden of the Guggenheim Museum in Venice, Italy.
Oh, and of course, that whole thing about it sinking just makes more sense in Venice, Italy, as opposed to the other Venices.
If you're serious, you should read a little bit about Venice.
Roger that!
You guys are a tough audience, I think this is a pretty good song.
Roger that!
Couldn't agree more!
Saw them at Bogart's in Cincinnati about a hundred years ago.
How about anything from "Save This House"?
Well, I love Vancouver BC, too - except for the airport (long story...) I'm still partial to Victoria BC and Montréal, as far as Canadian cities go. I miss the days of record stores, live performances, and beverages. The last small-venue performance I saw was at a Borders book store in Salem, Oregon. I don't even remember who was performing - it was a trio with acoustic guitars and an upright bass. I ended up buying a couple of very funky CD-storage containers that changed colors when I squished them (plastic, with colored gel. And I still have them.) Good times, long gone these days...
the airport is now one of the best in the world, mind you, you'll pay for priviledge, but compared to Charles De Gaulle, heh, it's the schitz.
still lots of good music to be heard, check out Rogue Folk for details.
Having said that, this be the station to listen to.
Beavith, he thaid "faithlift"!!!
Vancouver, Great White North. ; )
Well, I love Vancouver BC, too - except for the airport (long story...) I'm still partial to Victoria BC and Montréal, as far as Canadian cities go. I miss the days of record stores, live performances, and beverages. The last small-venue performance I saw was at a Borders book store in Salem, Oregon. I don't even remember who was performing - it was a trio with acoustic guitars and an upright bass. I ended up buying a couple of very funky CD-storage containers that changed colors when I squished them (plastic, with colored gel. And I still have them.) Good times, long gone these days...
I totally agree! I was going to say it sounds "fun" but your description is better.
probably... but this is still nice
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Nope, but it's still crap.
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Exact same!