Mercury Rev — The Dark Is Rising
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Originally Posted by Johray63:
It's like Neil Young sang and wrote the soundtrack for a Walt Disney Movie. Grotesque! But, anyhow, I'm impressed.
That's exactly what it sounds like Johray. But I still kind of like it, and next time I sit down with the kids to watch Disney's latest money maker I would rather have a Neil Young soundtrack than an Elton John one.
this is a joke, right?
OH MY GOD. this is perhaps the lowest moment in the history of listening to radioparadise...where\'s the dramamine, this song makes me feel sea-sick...
Pure schlock, kitch, Nasty evil foul :(
God save us....
Sounds like a cross between Neil Young and Ben Folds. I\'m kind of on the fence with this one. Its not bad, but not something i would rush out and buy.
Originally Posted by joedean:
the voice is kind of irritating
In a Supertramp kinda way. But I liked Supertramp.
The new Rev album is excellent. Really grows on ya. Reminiscent of the Flaming Lips\' last one, The Soft Bulletin, also excellent. Glad this song is getting played.
I\'d like to hear it again, did not quite catch it all, so I\'ll reserve judgment. Perhaps we need an \"Undecided\" caption in the ratings ...
Sounds like an over produced show tune. I hate to give it the El Sucko-Barfo rating though.
Waxes rather Epic, doesn\'t it?
It's like Neil Young sang and wrote the soundtrack for a Walt Disney Movie. Grotesque! But, anyhow, I'm impressed.
I think I would like it more if it was a real orchestra playing. I don\'t know if it is the recording, or the song, but it sounds very MIDI to me. The delivery of the lyrics seems not very forward either, which is okay because it\'s reflective, but in my opinion that isn\'t much of an excuse to sing off pitch. :|
I\'m reminded of the great fantasy book of the same title. Such powerful lyrics and orchestration -- I think I like this one. ;)