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Album: Songs in the Key of Life
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Total ratings: 2858

Released: 1976
Length: 7:08
Plays (last 30 days): 0
As around the sun the earth knows she's revolving,
And the rosebuds know to bloom in early May,
Just as hate knows love's the cure,
You can rest your mind assure,
That I'll be loving you always.

As now can't reveal the mystery of tomorrow,
But in passing will grow older every day,
Just as all that's born is new,
Do know what I say is true,
That I'll be loving you always.

''Until the rainbow burns the stars out in the sky''
''Until the ocean covers every mountain high''
''Until the dolphin flies and parrots live at sea''
''Until we dream of life and life becomes a dream''

Did you know that true love asks for nothing?
Her acceptance is the way we pay.
Did you know that life has given love a guarantee,
To last through forever and another day?

Just as time knew to move on since the beginning,
And the seasons know exactly when to change,
Just as kindness knows no shame,
Know through all your joy and pain,
That I'll be loving you always.

As today I know I'm living, but tomorrow,
Could make me the past, but that I mustn't fear.
For I'll know deep in my mind,
The love of me I've left behind,
'Cause I'll be loving you always.

''Until the day is night and night becomes the day''
''Until the trees and seas just up and fly away''
''Until the day that eight times eight times eight is four''
''Until the day that is the day that are no more''
Did you know you're loved by somebody?
''Until the day the earth starts turnin' right to left''
''Until the earth just for the sun denies itself''
I'll be lovin' you forever
''Until dear mother nature says her work is through''
''Until the day that you are me and I am you''
''Until the rainbow burns the stars out in the sky''
''Until the ocean covers every mountain high''

We all know, sometimes life's hates and troubles,
Can make you wish you were born in another time and space.
But you can bet your life, times that and twice its double,
That God knew exactly where he wanted you to be placed.

So make sure when you say you're in it, but not of it,
You're not helpin' to make this Earth a place sometimes called Hell.
Change your words, into truths, and then change that truth into love,
And maybe our children's grandchildren and their great grandchildren will tell.

I'll be loving you,
Until the rainbow burns the stars out in the sky,
Loving you,
Until the ocean covers every mountain high,
Loving you,
Until the dolphin flies and parrots live at sea,
Loving you,
Until we dream of life and life becomes a dream,
Be loving you,
Until the day is night and night becomes the day,
Loving you,
Until the trees and seas just up, up and fly away,
Loving you,
Until the day that eight times eight times eight is four,
Loving you,
Until the day that is the day that are no more,
Loving you,
Until the day the earth starts turning right to left,
Be loving you
Until the earth just for the sun denies itself,
Loving you,
'Til Mother Nature, Mother Nature says her work is through,
''Until dear Mother Nature says her work is through''
Loving you,
Until the day that you are me and I am you,
Now ain't that loving you?
''Until the rainbow burns the stars out in the sky''
Ain't that loving you?
''Until the ocean covers every mountain high''
And I've got to say, always
''Until the dolphin flies and parrots live at sea''
''Until we dream of life and life becomes a dream''
''Until the day is night and night becomes the day''
''Until the trees and seas just up and fly away''
''Until the day that eight times eight times eight is four''
''Until the day that is the day that are no more''
''Until the day the earth starts turning right to left''
''Until the earth just for the sun denies itself''
''Until dear Mother Nature says her work is through''
''Until the day that you are me and I am you''

''Until the rainbow burns the stars out in the sky''
''Until the ocean covers every mountain high''
''Until the dolphin flies and parrots live at sea''
''Until we dream of life and life becomes a dream''
''Until the day is night and night becomes the day''
''Until the trees and sea just up and fly away''
''Until the day that eight times eight times eight is four''
''Until the day that is the day that are no more''
''Until the day the earth starts turning right to left''
''Until the earth just for the sun denies itself''
''Until dear Mother Nature says her work is through''
''Until the day that you are me and I am you''
Comments (371)add comment
 itsme_bygolly wrote:

You can wish. I like modern medicine.

Me too!   
His 3 to 4 mid 1970 albums are quite good and he came out with them  bam, bam, bam...one after the other. 
Fucking laying down the groove… Stevie always brings it
A rock-solid 10!
My 5 minute "pens down" afternoon break from work has now stretched out to 15 minutes. and involves a lot of feet tapping. Great run of songs. Thanks Stevie. Thanks RP. 
Thanks for playing this William. Always! 
One of my favorite (double) albums of all time. So many good cuts.
 thewiseking wrote:

how bout the part where Stevie comes growlin in with the hmmm hmmms.
 This really soars

We all know, sometimes life's hates and troubles,
Can make you wish you were born in another time and space.

You can wish. I like modern medicine.
So good.
how bout the part where Stevie comes growlin in with the hmmm hmmms.
 This really soars

We all know, sometimes life's hates and troubles,
Can make you wish you were born in another time and space.

I don't know about y'all, but I find it hard to assume that these lyrics have ever been surpassed in poetry and passion.  
 hellsgardener wrote:

I was in my last year of school in Twickenham -  THE summer of '76 - played this so much you could see through the vinyl (well nearly :-) )

I must be the same age as you, friend.  And what a summer that was...

No rating matches the songwriting and performance quality, nor the production values of this little number. Godlike in the extreme...
Some day I'll be able to listen to this song and not cry. Today is not that day. 
As the sample on the Fatboy Slim track Acid 8000 says "If this don't make your booty move, your booty must be dead!"
Sounded like he said - "Just as Congress knows no shame".  I think it works.
 Alastair wrote:

Right now, it's 1976,  I am working in jeans shop in Edinburgh.  We played this to death.  Still great now. 

I was in my last year of school in Twickenham -  THE summer of '76 - played this so much you could see through the vinyl (well nearly :-) )
A masterful song from one of my favorite collections.  Songs in the Key belongs among the great and classic American songbooks.  
 chinaski wrote:

The predominant album played throughout Letts Hall dorm at American University Fall '76-Spring '77. What a wonderful album.

Same, but LSU Baton Rouge Hatcher Hall. I remember a few of us standing around the turntable staring at it while we heard it for the first time.
A crowd of us left the Comox Valley one summer day in 1972 for a Rolling Stones concert in Vancouver. We got there on time and found our seats. We had primed for this show, but were very surprised when Little Stevie Wonder came on to warm up the crowd. For an hour and some encores. Fullfillingness First Finale was his latest album. He and his band were brilliant as were Mick and friends.
Great memory.
This song is so good.
like that bass

I wish could play bass like that 
 saellig668552 wrote:

This is genius - magic turned into sound...

Hard to believe this is the same guy that recorded "i just called to say ..."

Sorry, was it a compliment?
Right now, it's 1976,  I am working in jeans shop in Edinburgh.  We played this to death.  Still great now. 
 saellig668552 wrote:

This is genius - magic turned into sound...

Hard to believe this is the same guy that recorded "i just called to say ..."

Why exactly is that hard to believe? A genius can write/record whatever he wants.
Thanks Bill. I love an occasional reminder and example of perfection.
 jimmymac54 wrote:

Saw Stevie several years ago in Denver during his SITKOL tour. About half way into the concert he welcomes a few friends on stage to help him with this song. Herbie Hancock and Chick Corea walk out. They were in town on a separate tour playing with Denver Symphony. Probably my favorite live music moment of all time. And I've had a lot!  :  )

My son plays in that orchestra: the Colorado Symphony Orchestra :-) 

Saw Stevie several years ago in Denver during his SITKOL tour. About half way into the concert he welcomes a few friends on stage to help him with this song. Herbie Hancock and Chick Corea walk out. They were in town on a separate tour playing with Denver Symphony. Probably my favorite live music moment of all time. And I've had a lot!  :  )
Happy Bday, Mr Wonder. You are a national treasure!
Carpool Karaoke with Stevie is definitely worth a viewing if you haven't seen it - some very sweet and funny moments. 
I think this might be my favorite Stevie track.  I have heard it remixed in so many ways that bring out the groove its amazing.  Always...
How did you know I was wanting to hear this right now?  

Happy birthday, Stevie!
And they say mother music is repetative
The predominant album played throughout Letts Hall dorm at American University Fall '76-Spring '77. What a wonderful album.
For those interested, Jean Luc Ponty did a very nice cover years ago. Worth a listen.
 kazoo wrote:
I had it rated an 8. I read the lyrics and now it's a 9. Thanks Stevie!

Me too - I just did the exact same thing! I wish I could express myself as beautifully as Stevie
Ah, my favorite. Beyond the thought, the chord changes are amazing.
I had it rated an 8. I read the lyrics and now it's a 9. Thanks Stevie!
Stevie Wonder was always a wonder to me. His songs bring back so many good memories.
This is genius - magic turned into sound...

Hard to believe this is the same guy that recorded "i just called to say ..."
bu ne güzellik amk
Great Stevie, great album. This might be my favorite Stevie tune.
 Tomasni wrote:
Only 7 to me  but STRONG  
That's what the 8 and 9 are for!  This is a 9 for me....Long Live RP!!
Desert Island Album?
Oh, yes indeed, for me.
 ciarataylor wrote:
December 1973 and travelling thru Morocco as students with one tape on the bus.  Still have loved every song during and since then. 🖖🏽👣
I lived in Liberia 1975-1977
one kid in my high school had this album, and must have made dozens of tapes of it for the rest of us
the whole album is fantastic!
Only 7 to me  but STRONG  
one of those songs that magnetizes all my attention
Why is this not more popular and played more?!! Never heard it before, well maybe my Mom did, but she had R&B, soul, and blues on all the time. 

So glad someone told me about this radio station!! :))
There were no grooves left on this record.  Brilliant!   Memories of living in an A-Frame cabin in Tahoma, California blasting this album.  The acoustics were pretty good in there too.  {#Cheers}{#Dancingbanana_2}{#Clap}
 kingart wrote:

What he said. A great song. Loop be damned. This is a L-O-V-E song. 
Wow that took a few PSD's to get to a listenable song.
So Beautiful, great thoughts, memories, everlasting positive love
{#Devil_pimp}zesty ! and funky !
oh hell, yes! Go Stevie, go!
I can't help but wish he would never have gone so ridiculously commercial, but WOW when I recall how he jammed back then, ~damn!
WOW !  What a song !
Please consider to replace this rather boring original version with the cover version from George Michael together with Mary J. Blidge. That version only reveals the true beautiness of  the undisputable wonderful composition {#Dancingbanana_2}...
December 1973 and travelling thru Morocco as students with one tape on the bus.  Still have loved every song during and since then. 🖖🏽👣
 Elvis78 wrote:
4 Minutes the same Loop, i hate it, sorry!!!

Me too!
 Netsirk97 wrote:
Oh this song reminds me so much of my Mother.  We loved this album and I miss her terribly.

Love forever

Super powerful music, my mom was buried yesterday and this song (and this station) remind me of dear times and everlasting positive love

this was so good to hear, thank you RP. I used to sit and listen to this, back in the day...knew the lyrics, sang along, love it!
Been  a long time since I heard this one.

So what is wrong with Stevie Wonder?   I always got the impression that he was a first-rate class act as an artist, a public performer and a private person.  Can that be?    
 Elvis78 wrote:
4 Minutes the same Loop, i hate it, sorry!!!
You may find this song too repetitive, but it's not a "loop"; this whole album was played by some of the finest session musicians of the day.  According to your user name, that was apparently before you were born, so you may not know of recording techniques from back then.
 Elvis78 wrote:
4 Minutes the same Loop, i hate it, sorry!!!

4 minutes the same Loop? Hate? 

Elvis, umm, lighten up. IMHO, this is one of the greatest songs about Love. Put that on your Loop. 

Just as time knew to move on since the beginning,
And the seasons know exactly when to change,
Just as kindness knows no shame,
Know through all your joy and pain,
That I'll be loving you always.
4 Minutes the same Loop, i hate it, sorry!!!
Forty years on already (where did the time go?) and this album remains some mighty powerful stuff. Thanks Bill!
The other day a woman at the bus stop was wearing a t-shirt from the recent SITKOL concert and when I told her I was jealous she got to go, we struck up a lively conversation, including about how much we both worship this song. It was a bright happy moment in my otherwise difficult day. Then while on the bus I glanced out the window and saw a guy playing trombone by himself on his stoop. 
My wife and I had one of our guests-of-honor read this song as a poem at our wedding...
fell in love to this song too
gonna make my teenage son listen to this and read along with the lyrics, I'll tell him it's my feelings for him captured by the most amazing musician of all time and it is timeless and awesome!!!
 AhhtheMusic wrote:

.......just sayin'

As opposed to what?
Oh this song reminds me so much of my Mother.  We loved this album and I miss her terribly.
Thanks Bill!
 michaele wrote:
just leave it on replay


Oh, I thought the last 5 minutes of the song WAS on replay.......just sayin'
 WonderLizard wrote:
Awesome, timeless genius. I'm moved to tears in gratitude.

First five minutes of it were awesome...
 ice-9 wrote:

Jesus, if they played Def Leppard at my wedding I'd have locked all the doors and set fire to the place.

With your spouse inside?  That's just cold.  :-)
Thanks NewFee. We now have tickets to see Stevie Wonder in Brooklyn, 2 days hence. 
Seriously. Thank you. 
We all know, sometimes life's hates and troubles,
Can make you wish you were born in another time and space.
But you can bet your life, times that and twice its double,
That God knew exactly where he wanted you to be placed.
So make sure when you say you're in it, but not of it,
You're not helpin' to make this Earth a place sometimes called Hell.
Change your words, into truths, and then change that truth into love,
And maybe our children's grandchildren and their great grandchildren will tell.

I thought that's who I heard jumping into the middle of this.
mandolin wrote:


Saw him do this live two weeks ago. Simply amazing. See him if he is coming your way. 30 to 40 people on stage, and Stevie still has it.

 Sasha2001 wrote:

Alright, so I accepted your throw down of the gauntlet and checked out the site. You tell me which of the top ten listed there is BETTER than this song.

1 You Shook Me All Night Long     Ac/Dc
2 Dancing Queen                           Abba
3 Love Shack                                 B-52's
4 Brown Eyed Girln                        Morrison, Van
5 Hey Ya!                                       Outkast
6 Sweet Home Alabama                Lynyrd Skynyrd
7 Pour Some Sugar On Me           Def Leppard
8 Let's Get It Started                      Black Eyed Peas
9 We Are Family                            Sister Sledge
10 Celebration                                Kool & The Gang 

Oh, you're right, what was I thinking, "Sweet Home Alabama" is on this list. 

Jesus, if they played Def Leppard at my wedding I'd have locked all the doors and set fire to the place.
I know exactly where I was the first time I heard this great song. Don't always have that kind of clarity. But this one speaks to me from across the years. And I'm glad of it.
Superb song from a true genius of music.
 kingart wrote:
Amazing in every way. Lyrics, phrasing, music, production. Stevie was at the very top of his loop with this. One of the great American albums of the '70s. 

Could not agree more. Got this when I was 8 in ~1975 because the cool teenager up the street had it.  I have worne out it out from overplaying in at least 4 mediums, LP, tape, cd and original MP3 player In the intervening 40 years. Thanks Stevie.
 twcarlin wrote:

Not even close. it's not even in the top 200 - https://www.class-acts.com/weddings/topsongs.htm

Alright, so I accepted your throw down of the gauntlet and checked out the site. You tell me which of the top ten listed there is BETTER than this song.

1 You Shook Me All Night Long     Ac/Dc
2 Dancing Queen                           Abba
3 Love Shack                                 B-52's
4 Brown Eyed Girln                        Morrison, Van
5 Hey Ya!                                       Outkast
6 Sweet Home Alabama                Lynyrd Skynyrd
7 Pour Some Sugar On Me           Def Leppard
8 Let's Get It Started                      Black Eyed Peas
9 We Are Family                            Sister Sledge
10 Celebration                                Kool & The Gang 

Oh, you're right, what was I thinking, "Sweet Home Alabama" is on this list. 
 Stingray wrote:
Still - would never buy a Wonder album,
or even play it.

Steve - can't you see you're boring us with this neverending?

Long, long ago in a galaxy far far away and long before your time, Stevland Hardaway Morris made music. Good music. Perhaps not to your taste, but good nevertheless.
 Sasha2001 wrote:
This song has the dubious honor of being the "best overplayed song at wedding receptions" as voted on by me and the drunk next to me hoarding all the shrimp cocktail.
Not even close. it's not even in the top 200 - https://www.class-acts.com/weddings/topsongs.htm
Amazing in every way. Lyrics, phrasing, music, production. Stevie was at the very top of his loop with this. One of the great American albums of the '70s. 
 nightdrive wrote:
People appreciate a blind guy who can play and sing.
So, if he weren't blind he'd be less appreciated?  I don't think so.
just leave it on replay
 nightdrive wrote:
People appreciate a blind guy who can play and sing.
This guy's talent far exceeds most non-visually impaired folks! He creates, arranges, produces...much more than playing and singing, although he does those very well also! 
this was and is a great album to dance to - gets the whole family dancing in the living room. {#Dance}
Awesome, timeless genius. I'm moved to tears in gratitude.
People appreciate a blind guy who can play and sing.
 daedalus wrote:
Stevie's sheer talent for singing, his passion and enlightened composition exist as one of the brightest beacons in an otherwise dark and barren musical landscape.

Yes, yes yes, absolutely and most positively young man, you nailed it!!!   (fly safe)

 katiediddler wrote:
this one gives my goosebumps goosebumps

Have you got a photo of them as I would love to take a ''Gander'' at them Kittie lol
Stevie's sheer talent for singing, his passion and enlightened composition exist as one of the brightest beacons in an otherwise dark and barren musical landscape.

 Sasha2001 wrote:
This song has the dubious honor of being the "best overplayed song at wedding receptions" as voted on by me and the drunk next to me hoarding all the shrimp cocktail.
Fingertips part 2 it's not, you want to order a toasted poppy seed with butter, no cream cheese from Zabar's for me, thanks.

 Stingray wrote:
Still - would never buy a Wonder album,
or even play it.

Steve - can't you see you're boring us with this neverending?
Stingy, you remind me of when David Niven was hosting an Academy Awards segment many, many years ago, and some guy streaks the stage—remember streaking? Niven deadpans, "It's not everyone who's unafraid to display their shortcomings in public."
Stevie, just keeps growing in my estimation- love him more and more... a testament to his longevity......
A refreshing break from the usual RP playlist!
this one gives my goosebumps goosebumps
My favorite Stevie song!!  {#Guitarist}
I LOVE SW...but this tune is a bit blasé and dull for my tastes. Kind of schmaltzy...
yes most definitely GODLIKE!
 Sasha2001 wrote:
This song has the dubious honor of being the "best overplayed song at wedding receptions" as voted on by me and the drunk next to me hoarding all the shrimp cocktail.
Well, "best overplayed song" isn't that bad of a distinction.  I worked in catering for several years and didn't hear this too often, but I heard versions of Billy (f**kin') Joel's "Just The Way You Are" more times than I care to remember - and I never liked that tune.
First album I owned as a kid -  when I was 11, my grandparents were visiting and they took myself and my 2 siblings to the local mall and said we could pick one thing each that we wanted. This is what I picked. I was about 10 or 11.
 Cynaera wrote:

Oh, this is just priceless.  Laughing my assets off - I never thought of that gravelly voice Wonder uses as "Cookie Monster" before, but now... Oh man, I'm ruined...{#Roflol}{#Roflol}
Ann, this song will always be for you...always.
Perfect for Father's Day, Bill. This goes out to my dear dad, gone from this world many years ago.
This song has the dubious honor of being the "best overplayed song at wedding receptions" as voted on by me and the drunk next to me hoarding all the shrimp cocktail.
God, what passion in his voice. I've never heard this song before, but I think it's now my favorite Stevie song. Very intense and powerful.
Anyone who disses this song — listens to the lyrics — or this album needs some soul therapy. C-L-A-S-S-I-C. 
keep playing this song...always!
 Stingray wrote:
Still - would never buy a Wonder album,
or even play it.

Steve - can't you see you're boring us with this neverending?
Has not your past experience informed you?
You will eat your words!
This is yet another instance when your innate good taste in music is bound to overcome your childish prejudices, (no, I do not refer to race), sooner or later.
Stevie Wonder is a pop music genius, and his music is often a delight to the soul. Just let it in!
Oh my! A Stevie Wonder song I really like!  I'm feeling positively Sally Fieldish right now.  {#Wave}
Stevie was on my paper route when this came out.   ( He never waved back! :)