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The White Stripes — We're Going to be Friends
Album: White Blood Cells
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Released: 2001
Length: 2:18
Plays (last 30 days): 0
Fall is here, hear the yell
back to school, ring the bell
brand new shoes, walking blues
climb the fence, books and pens
I can tell that we are gonna be friends
I can tell that we are gonna be friends

Walk with me, Suzy Lee
through the park and by the tree
we will rest upon the ground
and look at all the bugs we found
safely walk to school without a sound
safely walk to school without a sound

Here we are, no one else
we walked to school all by ourselves
there's dirt on our uniforms
from chasing all the ants and worms
we clean up and now it's time to learn
we clean up and now it's time to learn

Numbers, letters, learn to spell
nouns, and books, and show and tell
playtime we will throw the ball
back to class, through the hall
teacher marks our height against the wall
teacher marks our height against the wall

We don't notice any time pass
we don't notice anything
we sit side by side in every class
teacher thinks that I sound funny
but she likes the way you sing

Tonight I'll dream while I'm in bed
when silly thoughts go through my head
about the bugs and alphabet
and when I wake tomorrow I'll bet
that you and I will walk together again
I can tell that we are gonna be friends
Yes I can tell that we are gonna be friends.
Comments (104)add comment
Great Stuff - Jack White after The White Stripes is boring
Just stopping by to make sure I gave this a 1.
...or Martha My Dear  (vocal)   SpencerAR wrote:

The whole vibe (vocals and acoustic guitar) reminds me of "Blackbird."
It's the beginning of Conan O'Brien's podcast!
Good call from Conan O'Brien to choose this song as the theme song for his (highly recommended) podcast "Conan O'Brien needs a friend".
 Grammarcop wrote:
I used this in the fifth grade promotion ceremony video at my daughter's school this morning. Not a dry eye in the house. 
And now she's a young adult - don't blink 
 Sbed wrote:

Yes you have something there, the high voice ressemble Sir Paul.

The whole vibe (vocals and acoustic guitar) reminds me of "Blackbird."
 DanO-1 wrote:
I've been chatting with babes on line all day.
How much of your money did they get?
 Jelani wrote:
This isn't Paul McCartney?
Yes you have something there, the high voice ressemble Sir Paul.
What a sweet & wonderful song.  It's so hopeful.
This isn't Paul McCartney?
Now I need to go home and convince the wife that we should watch Napoleon Dynamite for the Nth hundredth time.  Otherwise this is going to be stuck in my head all weekend.  She'll probably say no.  Bah.
I caught you this delicious bass.

I showed this movie to my kids a few months ago.  11 year old boy makes at least 10 references a day.  GOSH!  A freakin 12 gauge, what do you think?!, etc.

Still love that movie.  If you don't know by now, you need to wait till after the credits for the Kip / Lafonduh wedding.  Best scene in the movie.
Jack White turned this song into a children's book by the same name and it was named a Michigan Notable Book for 2018 by the Library of Michigan. Award ceremony is April 7 in Lansing.  
 Imkirok wrote:

I thought it was a Beatles tune. 

Me too! Or figured it was some new McCartney thing.
 gratefulgator wrote:
Somehow I never realized this was the White Stripes... 

I thought it was a Beatles tune. 
I've been chatting with babes on line all day.
Ligers are pretty much my favorite animal.
Geez. Had no clue this was by them. Gosh!
Somehow I never realized this was the White Stripes... 
Yes! Loved this in the opening of Napoleon Dynamite. Great flick, great depiction of school's special Hell. CHUH! Pedro for President! 
Long time no hear on RP. Welcome back old friend. 
I used this in the fifth grade promotion ceremony video at my daughter's school this morning. Not a dry eye in the house. 
I like Jack Johnson's better!! didn't know the white stripes did it.
They're pretty good, except for one little problem. That little guy right there. He is nipple number five. A good dairy cow should have, like, four.
Gee wiz this is talent with a capital T....is she pretty? discuss
..with a freakin' 12 gauge, what'd'ya think!
Teko wrote:
I can't imagine not being charmed by this lovely little song.
While I like this song, I thought it was a Paul McCartney tune from an early "Wings" album.
Are you gonna eat your tots?
glassjawgrlxxx wrote:
You could drink whole milk if you wanted
I knew I heard this in a movie. I think it was during the opening credits/cafeteria food montage.
They need to add a drummer and guitar player, maybe a singer, too.
I can't imagine not being charmed by this lovely little song.
MissAmy wrote:
I caught you a delicious bass.
Right on! Gosh! I love that movie....
I love this and the Jack Johnson cover. Great imagery created by the lyrics and the slow tempo.
I caught you a delicious bass.
Viv515 wrote:
Does this song have only three notes in it?
That's all any of their songs have. At the most.
Peace Out, Napoleon (!)
window wrote:
Don't be jealous that I've been chatting online with babes all day. Besides, we both know that I'm training to be a cage fighter.
Why don't you go eat a decroded piece of crap!
window wrote:
Don't be jealous that I've been chatting online with babes all day. Besides, we both know that I'm training to be a cage fighter.
Just thinking the same thing.
Don't be jealous that I've been chatting online with babes all day. Besides, we both know that I'm training to be a cage fighter.
choffman2001 wrote:
Jack Johnson borrowed this song for his Curious George soundtrack and it worked perfectly. Check out his version sometime.
I heard that version first, but now I can't listen to it anymore. Jack Johnson should have changed the lyric to "teacher thinks that you sound funny, but she likes it when I sing". This song is much more endearing with that awkward, almost squeaky vocal than with a polished pretty voice. edit: need to specify which Jack I'm talking about, don't I?
Does this song have only three notes in it?
...I can tell that I am gonna be sick...
Land_Shark wrote:
A very nice simple little melodic song. Feel good uplifting songs have their place too.
They sure do
This is pretty much my favorite White Stripes song.
Go find your own tots!
A very nice simple little melodic song. Feel good uplifting songs have their place too.
love it. so sweet and simple.
Buncha haters, just 'cuz someone actually crafted an innocuous, harmless little ditty. Jack Johnson borrowed this song for his Curious George soundtrack and it worked perfectly. Check out his version sometime.
Ian911299 wrote:
Why does everybody hate Paul McCartney so much?
I don't! And notice, he said his "latest effort" AND he didn't use the word "hate"! (just some silver linings in a world of McCartney hate ;)
We're gonna rock around the clock tonight, We're gonna rock rock rock 'til broad daylight... Not that I'd expect much originality from the White Stripes anyway, but geez, McCartney doing Bill Haley? Acceptable at best, which is better than most of their tunes.
Gaby wrote:
A cute little song.I'd like to hear something from De Stilj instead though.
De Stijl kicked butt.
Like the tempo.
Pyro wrote:
Unsupported wimpy singing...reminds me of McCartney's latest efforts. Bleh.
Why does everybody hate Paul McCartney so much?
Shut up! Gosh!
the album cover looks like silhouettes of the Beatles & Kinks about to murder Jack White for his blatant (and lousy) rip of their tunesmithing.
You could drink whole milk if you wanted
Unsupported wimpy singing...reminds me of McCartney's latest efforts. Bleh.
mojoman wrote:
I don't think it's the mp3. Jack White refuses to record on digital equipment. This is probably an artifact of the lousy analog equipment he records on.
You do realize that Analog equipment has the potential to be have much much better sound quality. Digital is just really easy to deal with and put on a storage media. And happens to contain enough information to still sound really good. Digital does not mean better, or mean the potential to be better (as for quality) but it makes it really easy to transport and store information, thus its full on adoption.
Jack Johnson covers this on his new album, is quite good as well!
"I caught you a delicious bass." One of my favorite tunes from my favorite movie.
Not at all embarrassed to say this is now my FAVORITE TUNE!!! The innocence is so refreshing in these cynical days... BEAUTIFUL... and ends too soon...
"Do your chickens have large tallons?"
ColdBear wrote:
Bad MP3, it wistles time to time
I don't think it's the mp3. Jack White refuses to record on digital equipment. This is probably an artifact of the lousy analog equipment he records on.
Vote For Pedro!!!
blackw0lf wrote:
Good song. But BAD Mp3 : :(
Yep. Still.
Bad MP3, it wistles time to time
Get a better quality rip plz!
Good song. But BAD Mp3 : :(
PattonFever wrote:
i'd like this better if there weren't nasty artifacts in the mp3. :/ - but it is a cute little song. reminds me of paul mccartney.
I think it has some John Lennon simplicity to it. I like it.
A cute little song.I'd like to hear something from De Stilj instead though.
PattonFever wrote:
i'd like this better if there weren't nasty artifacts in the mp3. :/ - but it is a cute little song. reminds me of paul mccartney.
Yea, I just mentioned the corruption issue on the main "Comment" forum. I'd noticed this in a previous playing of the song, but figured it was just some streaming issue at the time. When I heard it again just now I looked here and saw that everybody's been hearing the same issue.
i'd like this better if there weren't nasty artifacts in the mp3. :/ - but it is a cute little song. reminds me of paul mccartney.
OfficeUseOnly wrote:
This is not the Kinks, is it? Silly me, would have bet the farm. oh, wait we lost it in the 1980's. Nevermind....
That's what I thought at first.
This has already been posted ... but perhaps the RP gods will notice this time: bad MP3! (but good song!)
Shimmer wrote:
Paul McCartney lives!
and apparently forgot how to sing.
Only on Radio Pardise can you hear Ella Fitzgerald followed by the White Stripes. I love it.
RichardPrins wrote:
bad mp3
Yeah. Darn shame to have those hiccups jarring you out of your seat in the middle of such a pretty, innocent little tune.
Still playing a corrupted version I think?
bad mp3
This is not the Kinks, is it? Silly me, would have bet the farm. oh, wait we lost it in the 1980's. Nevermind....:curtain.gif:
ErikC wrote:
I just uploaded this. Bill, please replace your damaged version with mine. I also uploaded some other great songs from White Blood Cells - Hotel Yorba, Fell in Love with a Girl, I'm Finding It Harder to Be a Gentleman, Dead Leaves and the Dirty Ground, and Offend in Every Way. Hopefully, you'll like one or more enough to add them to your playlist.
"Already Have" was added to my upload entry for this song. So perhaps someone else already sent a replacement.
tictocsailor wrote:
I thought maybe it was just my connection. It was happening to me yesterday, and I was glad I hadn't heard it today. Now it is back.
I just uploaded this. Bill, please replace your damaged version with mine. I also uploaded some other great songs from White Blood Cells - Hotel Yorba, Fell in Love with a Girl, I'm Finding It Harder to Be a Gentleman, Dead Leaves and the Dirty Ground, and Offend in Every Way. Hopefully, you'll like one or more enough to add them to your playlist.
This tune is great. I love the album. For another very Beatles-esque song, check out Hotel Yorba. White Blood Cells is like channeling Paul McCartney all the way through, though, and very worth listening to. "Wait, I'm not dead yet!"
ladyj wrote:
how come there are no comments on the hiccups? is this something that just started?
I thought maybe it was just my connection. It was happening to me yesterday, and I was glad I hadn't heard it today. Now it is back.
ya its annoying eh?
how come there are no comments on the hiccups? is this something that just started?
A very pretty, innocent song - the White Stripes seem to throw a quiet little gem on each of their albums (check out Apple Blossom from De Stijl). A dead ringer for Paul McCartney in his prime.
haven\'t heard enough of them to know whether this is typical but it is pretty lite compared to what i have heard. interlude?
Originally Posted by Soul_of_Wit: Love the Stripes but this is a little too McCartney for me.
Too McCartney? How is this a bad thing?
Love the Stripes but this is a little too McCartney for me.
Great song and easy as hell to play on guitar.
How could Seven Nation Army be so good and this so bad.
Paul McCartney lives!
I like this number. Want to hear some more from White Stripes.
Love this song, sounds so Beatles-esque. Makes me want to find out what happened to kids I grew up with. Wish the White Stripes would do more like this one.