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Yat‐Kha — Come Along
Album: Tuva Rock
Avg rating:

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Total ratings: 2189

Released: 2003
Length: 2:45
Plays (last 30 days): 0
Here I am, guitar in hand
Let me play you my song
Here's my young stallion
Jump on, come along, come along

Won't you let me play
Won't you hear my song
My stallion is young and strong
Jump on, come along, come along

My guitar in my hands
I'll play you my stranger's song
We'll ride my black stallion
Jump on, come along, come along

Dorug daiyim (My bay 3 years old foal)

My bay 3 years old foal is a good horse
Can you tame him?
I learned to play good on my doshpuluur
Can you play masterly on strings?

My light-bay ambler is a good horse
Can you catch him?
I learned to play good on my chadagan
Can you play masterly on strings
Comments (431)add comment
 Larrygrrl wrote:
I appreciate this, and I want to like it, but I just don't.  Maybe I have too many clothes on or not enough to drink?  {#Drunk}

Looking at the rating distribution you are apparently not alone. Perhaps you all should get on down to the local liquor store and get a fifth , strip down to your skives, and dance like no one is looking.  
Do you want a station where you never hear Tuva throat singing?  I hope not.  But there are lots of streaming stations like that. 
At least the second time I heard this... because it was already rated a 1 by me when I got here.
This sucks. Ouch.
sounds like it would work with a strong beer buzzz on 
 Larrygrrl wrote:
I appreciate this, and I want to like it, but I just don't.  Maybe I have too many clothes on or not enough to drink?  {#Drunk}

what's not to like?
What the actual hell?
Jimi Hendrix Gypsy Eyes then Yat-Kha Come Along.  Tuva throat singing and Hendrix - nowhere else would that be a perfect and unsurprising combination
I'm hearing Allen Ginsberg from The Clash's Ghetto Defendant 
Tuva! Try it (throat singing) in the shower! 
Check out Genghis Blues.
 joejennings wrote:
I LIKE IT!!  I don't care what anybody says!!   

I do too!  It's that throat stuff again - interesting, and a nice driving rhythm too.
Weird. Kind of gruesome. 😱
Bad Russia. Syko Putin.
Very odd!! But, good!! The more I hear it, the more I like it!!   Thanx RP
I remember when I was a kid and I made that noise by yelling into a fan.  

It was funny when I was 8.
Whhhooaaa yeaaa!!!
I LIKE IT!!  I don't care what anybody says!!   
 aelfheld wrote:

There are people in Hell relieved not to be listening to this.

They are also relieved at not having to listen to you complain!!!
There are people in Hell relieved not to be listening to this.
There needs to be a "oh my god what is this!?, I love it" rating
 redart wrote:

I know RP is all about the eclectic, but sublime Andalusian guitar music to Mongolian throat metal is stretching my musical sensibilities to the limit !

and that is a GOOD thing!
This song totally rocks, open your ears everyone and let it in.
I know RP is all about the eclectic, but sublime Andalusian guitar music to Mongolian throat metal is stretching my musical sensibilities to the limit !
This is so weird that I like it.
I can't stand Cookie Monster vocals when I hear them in English, hearing them in another language doesn't make them any more enjoyable.
While I disagree, I can certainly appreciate why some people would hate this. 
While I really dislike this I am rating it a 3 not a 1 because I am so happy @BillG and @RebeccaG are exploring death metal. Awesome new dimension to RP!
Started as a 3 for me.. I bumped it to a 4...
Wow, that rating graph is insane.  It gets an 8 just for that alone.
this is crazy sh..

it be funky
Thanks to Richard Feynman for bringing Tuva to the wider culture.

This is why belching while trying to carry a tune never quite took off. 

This song could (and will) fall into the abyss of crap tunes and never be missed.
I've a friend having a throat abscess drained today. 

He sounds better than this. 
There's some tough competition on RP, but this song gets my nod for "most eclectic".
Dig it. Rock and roll throat singing!  Don't hear that every day.
Well that was a thing. I'll give it a 6 and see where it goes from there. 
 maboleth wrote:
10 for effort and all the haters.

The song is actually very catchy.
All I want for Christmas is a comment like yours. Faith in humanity restored! ❤️
10 for effort and all the haters.

The song is actually very catchy.
I like it :)

btw - that thin line on the cover looked like a hair on my screen
This guy needs to hang out with Brad Roberts of Crash Test Dummies. #deepvoices
What the... Okay, good short jam.
 Stodoroff wrote:
Love these eclectic, out of the box songs! It's one of the reasons I listen.

Me too!  That having been said, it's a 1 for me.
This tune always makes me smile. I don't know why so many "1" ratings!
Well, isn't that just special.
 kcar wrote:
gif of woman wincing and stressing
Not a great segue from They Might Be Giants "Istanbul Not Constantinople"

Love love love!
 intothehills wrote:
just utterly awesome.
There should be some sort of mandatory algorithm that puts this into the rotation each time the Grateful Dead are played....

The Grateful Dead palate cleanser.
5.3? c'mon ... is the RP audience so jaded they can't accept something that really isn't all that radical?
just utterly awesome.
There should be some sort of mandatory algorithm that puts this into the rotation each time the Grateful Dead are played....
"I yam what I yam, well blooooow me down!"
Horrid. But funny.
That damn album cover made me think there was a hair on my screen
10 times better than Derek Trucks Band...  :P
Certainly interesting in a new-to-me sense.  The throat singing portions feel like they ought to be sinister, expressing things that ought to be shocking, but they just aren't.  Maybe another of their songs are better matched to the technique?  
the blistering guitar of Bombino would go well here
 TerrorGovernor wrote:
Gave it a 9 for the giggles
I did too, just to screw the curve.

Some singers have to sing, "I'm a creep, I'm a weirdo...," to prove their point, but then there's this guy. who just, well, just listen!
 Decoy wrote:
sounds like Popeye after a bender at port.

hahaha Brilliant!
Well that was unexpected.
 rmgantt wrote:
Why? That's all I ask. Why?

Because it shakes you up :)
 Larrygrrl wrote:
I appreciate this, and I want to like it, but I just don't.  Maybe I have too many clothes on or not enough to drink?  {#Drunk}
Or both.
Gave it a 9 for the giggles
Why? That's all I ask. Why?
 bc wrote:
muppet metal?
HAHAHAHAHA.    Dr.  Teeth  at the Keys!

Image result for dr. teeth muppet


Pretty incredible throat singing at the end
Wonder what this sounds like speeded up.. 
Love these eclectic, out of the box songs! It's one of the reasons I listen.
gif of woman wincing and stressing
Not a great segue from They Might Be Giants "Istanbul Not Constantinople"
muppet metal?
This is Laibach, no?
I truly enjoy this one. Have RP on all day and sometimes there are songs that just jump out and I have to crank it up. This is one of them.
 Shesdifferent wrote:
Krisna Das, meets MacCarthur Park, meets Frank Zappa, meet chanting Buddist Monks go electric! This is Priceless!

Well, yes, it is.

There's no price, however low, I'd consider paying for it.
Yello meets Genghis Khan.
Good for horse riding...I guess
 SurfDoc wrote:
... this song reflects badly on the quality of the station in my opinion.
I rather think that posts such as this reflect badly on the poster.
XD!   nice,   I wish they would throw tracks like this in the mix on the days  when they are on their sad cowboy music kick.
 jules44 wrote:
There should be a rating button 0-wtf?

Of course there is one. Usually on the front of your computer.
Keep playing this as the comments are the best.

There should be a rating button 0-wtf?
 Emwolb wrote:
Posted: Jul 18, 2017 13:49
 < Reply >

i got Jimi H's Gypsy Eyes.....thank God for PSD

Funny. I can hear similarities between these two tracks. I love both and bet Jimi would have loved Yat-Kha.
That's Tom Waits on vocals after drinking too many cans of Red Bull - am I right?
Welcome, ungrateful bastards - ENJOY !
 SurfDoc wrote:
mimimimimimimi worst on RP mimimimimimi have to run to turn it off mimimimimimimi reflects badly on the quality of the station mimimimi.

So now we have your opinion plus your dispensable advice on how to run a successful radio station, fine.
What can I add but:  I routinely recommend RP and typically get positive comments, especially because songs like this reflect greatly on the bandwidth of the station in my opinion. 
Definitely an interesting song to hear once or twice, but please, please stop playing this song.  It is the worst on RP.  Every time it comes on in my office I have to run to turn it off.  When I cannot make it to my computer to change it people invariably ask what the hell are we listening to.  I routinely recommend RP and typically get positive comments, this song reflects badly on the quality of the station in my opinion.
 olivertwist wrote:
As BillG sometimes says, "And now for something completely different."

Krisna Das, meets MacCarthur Park, meets Frank Zappa, meet chanting Buddist Monks go electric! This is Priceless!
It seems you can love it or hate it... I love it ! - 9
This is amazing!!
As BillG sometimes says, "And now for something completely different."
I  remember seeing Yat-Kha in Beijing in 2003 or later, Kuvezin has an amazing and powerful voice.

Image by www.sxity.com

If you like Mathias Duplessy, who has his own way of exploring Mongoilan music and throat singing, mixing different influences, try Kuvezin’s first band Huun-Huur.
HUUN HUUR TU | Tuvan Throat Singers

They are still touring, you can find some informations on their tour on their website, here is a link to a performance at Fantasy Studios, Berkeley, California November 18, 2008
A small clip of the same concert here The Orphan's lament

 Emwolb wrote:
Posted: Jul 18, 2017 13:49
 < Reply >

i got Jimi H's Gypsy Eyes.....thank God for PSD

I got Zep Rain Song.  dammit
Posted: Jul 18, 2017 13:49
 < Reply >

 idiot_wind wrote:
If this PSD this, you get Beatles Rubber Soul.  

i got Jimi H's Gypsy Eyes.....thank God for PSD
Like a rock' roll Mathias Duplessy song. 4 —-> 6. I needed the pick-me-up this morning!
 idiot_wind wrote:
If this PSD this, you get Beatles Rubber Soul.  

this're loss
If this PSD this, you get Beatles Rubber Soul.  
 easmann wrote:


Ditto on the bingo!
I must like it - I bought it. It's wonderful get up and go - go - go music!
 Clyde_Bedow wrote:
What a totally cool adventure into the weird and unusual!
Metal guitar riffs and throat singing, and tastefully produced. 

Yeah, it's a pretty cool groove.  It's also one of the only songs I've seen here that doesn't have a 'sounds-like/rip-off-of-Pink Floyd' comment, which is also a bonus.
Thought I caught the whiff of some Zappa influence on this one
Oh. My. God.  
I'll be happy to never hear this song again for the rest of my life.
 cindystapleton wrote:
Thanks for the PSD button Bill!!!! It's incredibly useful for this song!

Amen.  Just noticed I rated this one of my rare 'sucko-barfo".  And well-deserved it is.
Please do not stop playing this song. I love Tuvan throat singing and love that these guys are keeping it alive. For anybody who doesn't care for any songs on the RP playlist: PSD.
Thanks for the PSD button Bill!!!! It's incredibly useful for this song!
Please stop playing this song.  I play your station in my office and I love how eclectic RP is but I literally have to run and turn the music off when this song comes on.

                                 Somebody here said - "After Popeye became a Buddist monk."  - Lol !

The back-up singing sounds like "Taz" the Warner Brothers cartoon Tasmanian Devil character.
Mongolian¹ throat singing is an argument against 'cultural appropriation'.

Unless 'cultural appropriation' involves taking it out back and braining it with an axe.

¹ or Tibetan
 Derecho wrote:
After Popeye became a Buddist monk.

Sounds to me more like Popeye AND Bluto became a throat-singing duet. But yeah, for sure!
Tom Waits tries rapping to a Gregorian chant?  Wait, there might be some Bollywood influences, too.  Whatever, this is pretty good!

Definitely could be a Yoko side project... sounds at least as good.


I absolutely LOVE this song! The words crack me up but it's all I can do not to bounce myself off my chair while I'm working.
I play this in my office and find myself apologizing to people listening when this song is on.  I tell them this station is usually incredible.  Any chance it can be removed from the rotation, it's rating is so low.