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Liz Phair — Table for One
Album: Somebody's Miracle
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Total ratings: 416

Released: 2005
Length: 4:06
Plays (last 30 days): 0
(no lyrics available)
Comments (131)add comment

I'm walking down in the basement
I'm leaning on the washing machine
I'm reaching back through a hole in the wall's insulation
I'm pulling out a bottle of vodka
Replacing that with a pint of Jim Bean
I'm lying down on the floor until I feel betterIt's morning and I pour myself coffee
I drink it til the kitchen stops shaking
I'm backing out of the driveway
And into creationAnd the loving spirit that follows me
Watching helplessly, will always forgive meOh, I want to die alone
With my sympathy beside me
I want to bring down all those demons who drank with me
Feasting bleed through me
On my desperationI hide all the bottles in places
They find and confront me with pain in their eyes
And I promise that I'll make some changesBut reaching back it occurs to me
There will always be some kind of crisis for meOh, I want to die alone
With my sympathy beside me
I want to bring back all those moments they stole from me
In my reverie
Darkening days endOh, I want to die alone
With my memories inside me
I want to live that life
When I could say people had faith in me
I still see that guy in my memoryOh, I want to die alone
With my sympathy beside me
I want to bring down all those people who drank with me
Watching happily
My humiliation

 (former member) wrote:
I heard this on RP a few months and it caught my attention. Then I bought the album the other day and gave it a few listens. I don't really care about the old Liz/new Liz debate. This is a beautifully crafted song that, IMO, hits you where it hurts. Every time this track comes on, I end up stopping what I am doing and thinking of a dear friend who drank himself to death many years back. It hurts. It made me feel and, good or bad, isn't that the point of art?
Hear, hear.  This is a wonderful song.  Perhaps Liz Phair's finest, imo.
Special. I like it quite well - different minds, different culture, different experiences, different music. Thanks for all the diversity.
Bored are only boring People - my Grandma always says.
 sunward wrote:

Does leaning on it really make any difference or do you just have a flair for drama?
Leaning is a metaphorical expression. . .
 vandal wrote:

I'm leaning on the freaking mute button with every ounce of my being. . . 


Does leaning on it really make any difference or do you just have a flair for drama?

I'm leaning on the freaking skip button with every ounce of my being. . . 

 mattt wrote:

I..uh..I..um...what? Is this real? Is this really Liz Phair?
Boy I sincerely hope not- she has way more to offer than skin. This song for instance.

 skidoo wrote:
If you can't relate at all to this,  That is, it elicits a WTF and LMAO, then I wonder about your breadth of the human experience?  Just sayin....

After this picking the scabs off song, bring on Tom Waits for some really real verisimilitude please.
a powerful song with poignant lyrics. Gets a nine from me.
That was one depressing way to start my listening today! Glad the playlist has just gone from strength to strength over the last few hours!
That was depressing. Girl has issues.
A hazy and depressing '1' NEXT! aaahhh, follwed by Nirvana Apologies, how appropriate. Thank you.
parts of this remind me of silent night, the christmas song.
dmax wrote:
I'm sorry, but that's totally not correct. Like a lot of the folks at RP, I've got more than a few decades of lyrics stored somewhere in my brain cells. These are not trite. Oh, I want to die alone With my sympathy beside me I want to bring down all those demons who drank with me Feasting bleed through me On my desperation
I don't mean to offend anyone's sensibilities but I'm still not convinced that isn't trite. Just by posting the lyrics doesn't change my mind.And of course it isn't just the words, it is the sing-song delivery that make it less believable as a true emotion. I've been around a lot of alcoholics and AA regulars and I don't think this is the way they would describe their problem.
ScottN wrote:
Please consider using "in my opinion" in your posts. This works for me as a great song; no parody required. Trite? For you maybe. For me, and I will guess for many others too, not hardly.
Well golly doesn't posting to a comment board automatically make it "your opinioin?"
This song only works if your think of it as a parody of sincerity... because, really, it is soooo trite.
NorthernLad wrote:
Why did she go all Lindsay Lohan on us? (click here for NSFW image)
I..uh..I..um...what? Is this real? Is this really Liz Phair?
I guess I'm in the distinct minority. I, too, loved Exile. But, I also like Liz's new stuff, including this newest album, Somebody's Miracle. I guess sometimes we don't want people to mature.
Liz has fallen from great heights, Exile was a masterpeice of cliche free, excellent songwriting and honest playing. I know people have to make the bucks, and I would probably do the same, but she has really chug-a-lugged the corporate Kool-aid.
Why did she go all Lindsay Lohan on us? (click here for NSFW image)
so sexy liz
It keeps growing on me... 8
The more I hear this song, the more I feel it stands right up there with Liz's best work (Exile, Whip-Smart, WCSE) from her pre-pop-reinvention days. Liz, although it's fewer and further between, you can still kick ass with songs of truth and emotion. And screw all you immature jerks making "jokes" about the subject matter. Grow the f*ck up.
monkeywonders wrote:
I like it! hiccup.
Great song, though sad. Typically inspired playlist for this great station, Bill pairs it now with All Apologies.
8 for the lyrics.
Thistle wrote:
...one can only hope.
Now there's a classy emoticon. Asshole, right?
This is a very sad, very true song. Take it from someone with two family members dead from alcoholism - it's too true. Probably could've done without hearing this, actually.
queenjill wrote:
Subject matter aside, this song doesn't have one-tenth of the honest, heartfelt emotion of "Exile in Guyville." Every song on that album came straight from her gut. This song is fine, but it could be sung by anyone.
I agree about Exile in Guyville, but let's give her some slack on the rest. Exile in Guyville is a seminal work. She hit the high note, and I don't think she will ever match it. I know she will never top it. Not many others, either.
meloman wrote:
"Stefen" thinks this is a "great emoticon." Yeah, right! Well, I beg to differ. It's tasteless and sad, for it illustrates that the true message of this song has been lost on you. Though it deals with alcoholism, the song's ultimately about dispair, loneliness, and the pain life brings. Laughing at alcoholism? Maybe next we'll see emoticons ridiculing people with AIDS, in wheelchairs, or using white canes.
...one can only hope.
meloman wrote:
Maybe next we'll see emoticons ridiculing people with AIDS, in wheelchairs, or using white canes.
a little smiley guy with a white cane could be kinda cute.
monkeywonders wrote:
"Stefen" thinks this is a "great emoticon." Yeah, right! Well, I beg to differ. It's tasteless and sad, for it illustrates that the true message of this song has been lost on you. Though it deals with alcoholism, the song's ultimately about dispair, loneliness, and the pain life brings. Laughing at alcoholism? Maybe next we'll see emoticons ridiculing people with AIDS, in wheelchairs, or using white canes.
monkeywonders wrote:
How did you create that great emoticon?
Definitely an 8
Subject matter aside, this song doesn't have one-tenth of the honest, heartfelt emotion of "Exile in Guyville." Every song on that album came straight from her gut. This song is fine, but it could be sung by anyone.
hubba hubba
This is one of the very few Liz Phair songs I've every liked. More of the same, please.
Pretty melody...
one of the better songs from inside a drunk's head.
Gotta pull his CD back out and give it another listen. Thanks, BillG.
pyxxel wrote:
What a non-event of a song.
Commenters here talk of depressing "un-inspired" "non-events," perhaps out of a lack of empathy or experience. Here's a recent un-inspired non-event I've witnessed: a loved one spent the past weekend drinking alone in a hotel room - for her birthday.
sarah_mae wrote:
Beautiful song speaking to whatever self destructive tendencies you have. Everyone has some I guess. Hopefully not as difficult as alcholism.
I agree; I always rewind this song several times, and today it's hitting me harder than usual. Dealing with an alcoholic loved one can be self-destructive as well without the help of Al-Anon.
milchschnitte wrote:
"i wanna die alone…" – i bet you will…
So heartless. Empathy is not one of your virtues, now is it? I can certainly relate to most parts of the lyrics. Even if you can't, I find it a quality song.
I don't care for much Liz, but this does it for me. 8.
Beautiful song speaking to whatever self destructive tendencies you have. Everyone has some I guess. Hopefully not as difficult as alcholism.
Another example of a true "Bard"...
mfassett wrote:
A good songwriter will write about... well.. something they FEEL. Most of us don't always feel HAPPY. Sometimes stuff happens that is.. BAD!! I'll get off my soapbox now and you can go back to your regularly scheduled medley of "Walking On Sunshine." Sorry to interrupt your bliss.
Amen. sheesh. Songs written about depressing things can often purge the emotion you feel, exorcise the demon if you will.
this gets an 8 simply because the lyrics are so good.
I really don't like the word "reverie." I don't know why. It creeps me out.
I'm walking down in the basement I'm leaning on the washing machine I'm reaching back through a hole in the wall's insulation I'm pulling out a bottle of vodka Replacing that with a pint of Jim Bean I'm lying down on the floor until I feel better It's morning and I pour myself coffee I drink it til the kitchen stops shaking I'm backing out of the driveway And into creation And the loving spirit that follows me Watching helplessly, will always forgive me Oh, I want to die alone With my sympathy beside me I want to bring down all those demons who drank with me Feasting bleed through me On my desperation I hide all the bottles in places They find and confront me with pain in their eyes And I promise that I'll make some changes But reaching back it occurs to me There will always be some kind of crisis for me Oh, I want to die alone With my sympathy beside me I want to bring back all those moments they stole from me In my reverie Darkening days end Oh, I want to die alone With my memories inside me I want to live that life When I could say people had faith in me I still see that guy in my memory Oh, I want to die alone With my sympathy beside me I want to bring down all those people who drank with me Watching happily My humiliation ... So so poignant ... ...
This is just lovely!
pleaso no. this is not just depressive, this is un-inspired depressive. "i wanna die alone…" – i bet you will…
catmaven wrote:
What is the purpose of depressing music, anyway?
You didn't REALLY write that, did you? You don't REALLY need to know the answer, do you? Awww heck. Dood, look. Sometimes... I dunno.. you might get bummed about something. Maybe your dog dies, your mom yells at you, or your kid goes on a drunken sex binge. A good songwriter will write about... well.. something they FEEL. Most of us don't always feel HAPPY. Sometimes stuff happens that is.. BAD!! I'll get off my soapbox now and you can go back to your regularly scheduled medley of "Walking On Sunshine." Sorry to interrupt your bliss.
love love love Liz! if I haven't mentioned it before: such a beautiful song
What a non-event of a song.
catmaven wrote:
Too sing-songy and too depressing. What is the purpose of depressing music, anyway? Is there any good reason for it to exist? I notice that the next song Bill put on picked up the pace a bit--Nirvana's "All Apologies."
Golly-gee maybe if we stopped playing sad music or angry music or stopped reporting all the bad sh&t that happens in the world we would all be happy. Just like in the, "good-old-days".
Lots of great LP music, but this isn't one of those tunes. Like others below, left me depressed.
One of the best tracks from the last 2 of Liz's albums. Haunting and spare. I really love this.
oh why do -- we have to hear -- this song -- over and over...
started out at a 5, but after hearing it numerous times (and then it playing in my head for a couple of days), it's been moved up to an 8.
very very bad....
Just went to a 9... really beautiful
sad, but pretty song
This sounds like the soundtrack to "The House of Sand and Fog".
ScottN wrote:
There are all kinds of reasons for "depressing music" to exist. For one, to some it is cathartic. Also, consider that music you find depressing others may find redeeming, or even, uplifting.
Or make you want to drink draino.
this is a nice track. :)
catmaven wrote:
This comment and ezzyme's made me glad that I couldn't understand the lyrics. Authenticity is great . . . I just personally don't want this kind right now.
That would explain why you gushed all over St. Teresa... oy.
doesn't matter, she's hot hot hot and super dirty.
Started out at about a "6" a month ago, then down to a "3" and now it's sucko-barfo all the way. And it's true what they say about her inability to hold a tune -- I heard her once in the studio at KCRW. Yikes!
earthbased wrote:
OK tune, but I can't stand her live as she can't sing in tune live.
totally agree!! she sucks royally live. But this is a pretty decent tune. :)
OK tune, but I can't stand her live as she can't sing in tune live.
Harsh weed.
ScottN wrote:
There are all kinds of reasons for "depressing music" to exist. For one, to some it is cathartic. Also, consider that music you find depressing others may find redeeming, or even, uplifting. This is a good song, imo, and for me, not depressing at all. I'm glad Bill chose to play this. More evidence that playlists are thoughful, even inspired, here at RP
there goes scott defending the worst music created, again. go scott go!
catbirdman wrote:
FWIW, this song's played quite a bit more often than I'd like to hear it.
not to mention no one cares, liz.
I like it. Liz Phair confronting demons is better than when she is waxing romantically. The juxtaposition of the childlike quality of the vocals and the starkness of the lyrics underscores the poignancy.
Yet another child of the modern society, one more girl with broken heart and drinking problems. Not bad at all, I like this girl :)
Sounds like a drunken night for sure! Happy St. Patties!
FWIW, this song's played quite a bit more often than I'd like to hear it.
It just occurred to me.. the chorus has a hook that is very similar to David Wilcox's tune "My Father Looks Like Moe." Ok he didnt write that particular song, but that's the version I know.
catmaven wrote:
Too sing-songy and too depressing. What is the purpose of depressing music, anyway? Is there any good reason for it to exist?
Sound track for "Intervention"?
catmaven wrote:
Too sing-songy and too depressing. What is the purpose of depressing music, anyway? Is there any good reason for it to exist? I notice that the next song Bill put on picked up the pace a bit--Nirvana's "All Apologies."
There are all kinds of reasons for "depressing music" to exist. For one, to some it is cathartic. Also, consider that music you find depressing others may find redeeming, or even, uplifting. This is a good song, imo, and for me, not depressing at all. I'm glad Bill chose to play this. More evidence that playlists are thoughful, even inspired, here at RP
denizenusa wrote:
Music to cut your wrists by. It's unfathomable to me that someone would write this then release it! Stop, please I don't want to hear it.
This comment and ezzyme's made me glad that I couldn't understand the lyrics. Authenticity is great . . . I just personally don't want this kind right now.
Too sing-songy and too depressing. What is the purpose of depressing music, anyway? Is there any good reason for it to exist? I notice that the next song Bill put on picked up the pace a bit--Nirvana's "All Apologies."
I'm another "old school" Liz fan, and haven't bothered to buy the current release (Somebody's Miracle) or the last one (Liz Phair). I've heard several selections from both, and to me it sounds like there's enough garbage/fluff among the few good songs to make it not worth the effort or money. This song, though, is one of the gems off the latest release. I find it stark, haunting, raw, evocative, sadly beautiful. A brave expression of the pain of her brother's alcoholism. Bravo, Liz.
Don't you just hate when you have to eat crow? Sadly, I do it too often myself. Moak wrote:
Wow, that really moved me this time... beautiful I had to go back and delete my previous wise-ass comment.
Wow, that really moved me this time... beautiful I had to go back and delete my previous wise-ass comment.
Quite interesting.
Well, s'ok, but to me she still hasn't done anything really worth a long listen since exile in guyville. Dreary, and I'm not quite believing it. And, um, hey, we're a little mellow this morning? Let's get groovin a bit, no? Hmm...now it's seven months later, and this doesn't seem so bad. Not ready to marry the song, but not a 3 either. Up to 5. Funny that songs can change dramatically based on the listener's current state.
Booooooooooooorrriiiiiiiiiiiiing... Man I am negative, that could be a direct result of having the ditty bops be the first song I heard this morning. bleech
Music to cut your wrists by. It's unfathomable to me that someone would write this then release it! Stop, please I don't want to hear it.
I never listen to lyrics (most of the time you can't make them out anyway) but this one made me take notice. I knew people who hid bottles and people who spent days on the floor only getting up for another bottle. I'm impressed.
songwriting is all about expressing yourself. I think she should sing about her problems if she wants to. I'd rather hear a song about someone struggling with addiction than someone's "bling."
jeez get over it!
Great music, great singing, pretty crappy lyrics. This isn't a song, it's a psychiatrist session put to music verbatim. Still, the music and singing bring it up to a 7.
First time I've heard this singer, though I've read a good deal about her. For me her voice lacks any real emotion on this song. She seems to be going through the motions. Absolutely unconvincing, two-dimensional, and ultimately uninteresting.
Hmmm...I'm not impressed. Too flat in all ways for me.
lily34 wrote:
back to the liz from whitechocolatespaceegg, i think. i like it. i didn't like her last cd much (there were a couple catchy tunes, but she was really writing for 14 yr olds and may still be, aside from this tune) she needs to make money, i guess. i'll always dig her and i don't think her voice is crap at all.
She didn't write most of the songs on "Liz Phair".
Just becasue it's a sad song doesn't make it a good song...............
I've heard this song twice on RP and I don't like it. She has a nice voice, but the lyrics leave me cold...
wheres my bottle . . . this stuff will drive ya to drink.
Holy Mackerel. Liz Phair has jumped the shark.
dmax wrote:
THANKS BILL AND REBECCA. I uploaded this - just listen to this. I'm all ferklempt. Yes, her voice is crap - and not suited for pop standards. But this tentative, shamed confession - "I hide all the bottles..." in the happy singsong rhythm of a waltz. Perfect songsmithing.
back to the liz from whitechocolatespaceegg, i think. i like it. i didn't like her last cd much (there were a couple catchy tunes, but she was really writing for 14 yr olds and may still be, aside from this tune) she needs to make money, i guess. i'll always dig her and i don't think her voice is crap at all.
Happy Music? No thanks. 2
Ho Hum. ...I give this 3 yawns.
Do not buy this CD. It's lots better than her last effort "Liz Phair". However, only a few "old-style-liz" songs made it through. Her current production team needs to be beaten with sticks. Of course if you like song-styles for 12-year olds run out and buy it along with the latest Hillery Duff album. Egad, what is happening to Liz? phillips wrote:
so you say the new CD is not good? i love the old liz, but the past few years have been too poppy for me. anyone have any other comments about the new CD before i buy it?
serioualy, I don't know how you even GET this bad. it must take skill.
daveesh wrote:
other than her looks, of course, i don't get the appeal.
I think it's because her mouth looks like a f*kdoll.
haven't heard anything else from the new album, but this feels really old liz, like guyville, but less raw and intense in the recording.
evilmu wrote:
this is one of the few tracks on her new CD that i can stand. it's more the Liz i expect.
so you say the new CD is not good? i love the old liz, but the past few years have been too poppy for me. anyone have any other comments about the new CD before i buy it?
Pretty depressing stuff! I'm walking down in the basement I'm leaning on the washing machine I'm reaching back through a hole in the wall's insulation I'm pulling out a bottle of vodka Replacing that with a pint of Jim Bean I'm lying down on the floor until I feel better It's morning and I pour myself coffee I drink it til the kitchen stops shaking I'm backing out of the driveway And into creation And the loving spirit that follows me Watching helplessly, will always forgive me Oh, I want to die alone With my sympathy beside me I want to bring down all those demons who drank with me Feasting bleed through me On my desperation I hide all the bottles in places They find and confront me with pain in their eyes And I promise that I'll make some changes But reaching back it occurs to me There will always be some kind of crisis for me Oh, I want to die alone With my sympathy beside me I want to bring back all those moments they stole from me In my reverie Darkening days end Oh, I want to die alone With my memories inside me I want to live that life When I could say people had faith in me I still see that guy in my memory Oh, I want to die alone With my sympathy beside me I want to bring down all those people who drank with me Watching happily My humiliation
Wow this one is a heartbreaker ... esp today.