Posted by BlueHeronDruid - Feb 9, 2014 - 4:40pm |
Because I've never been a shrinking violet about my birthday, many of you know that the one coming up is my "golden." I was born on the 57th day of the 57th year of the 20th century and I will be turning 57. And because we here at druid labs hardly need any excuse to celebrate, I decided that this arbitrary event might be a nice time for all us siblings to party together. After all, they were born in '55 and '59, and that's how old they'll be (reversed).
To that end I invited my brother and sisters to brainstorm about a family gathering. We tossed around the idea of going overseas, of renting a villa on an island somewhere, of a dude ranch, you name it. My sisters thought they'd like to do an Alaska cruise, so as not to have to do anything they didn't want to (like cooking or cleaning up after ourselves). And while "cruise" is nowhere on my list of things to do, well, to be with my family, I'd go anywhere. My sisters and I were quite excited and spent a lot of time planning on when we could accomplish this because my brother's son is still in grade school.
Then my brother started backpedaling as usual, and not only did our plans fall apart, but I am no longer speaking to him by my choice. He said he doesn't want to be around me and I'll grant him his wish. Anyway I needed to be done with his knack for hijacking every family affair, which we always capitulated to, because we wanted the whole family to be together. I'm done with that.
So what started out as a way for me to celebrate a special day turned into a family breaker. I'm even taking the blame for it. Classic middle child stuff.
What was to be a joy-filled event is now just a fading dream. I don't ask for much from anyone and least of all from my family. I guess you get what you ask for.
So woo hoo! 57 cubed! I'm sure hobbitt and I will find a way to make it noteworthy, somehow.
/pity party

Location: drifting 
Feb 11, 2014 - 12:51pm |
time to make some lemonade.  |

Location: Pasadena ,Texas 
Feb 10, 2014 - 3:10pm |
So the hell with your "brother." My wife and her sisters are more important to me and her than anyone! You get them together and swing! Who needs a dick involved. *love ya*

Location: i believe, i believe, it's silly, but I believe 
Feb 10, 2014 - 9:26am |
Ah C. I wish you didnt live so far off, and we could come to your house or you to ours and we could just play scrabble and eat good food and have Manhattans and listen to music.  sorry about your sibs. |
Shine On.

Location: 543 miles west of Paradis,1491 miles east of Paradise 
Feb 10, 2014 - 7:16am |
Sending much love your way.  |
Everybody's got to have a dream to help them make it down the stream

Feb 10, 2014 - 2:20am |
I'm betting you and hobbitt will turn the situation positive whatever happens. And... 57, huh? I hope you'll have some of this at your celebration:  |
I get around

Location: The Golden Triangle 
Feb 10, 2014 - 12:41am |
That's too bad. Hope you find something great to do whether or not it involves any siblings.
She knew it was time to exceed herself.

Location: Houston, TX 
Feb 9, 2014 - 10:16pm |
 Come here and party, we have the PERFECT party house! |

Feb 9, 2014 - 8:48pm |
You should visit us in Lexington. You'd love it here. Cold, dreary, snowing. We haven't seen the sun in weeks. Your kind of climate.  |

Location: A house, in a Virginian Valley 
Feb 9, 2014 - 8:34pm |
Love you. I'll be 57 squared, so I'm not quite as special as you are, but hey, everyone knows that!   |
Soft on the inside

Feb 9, 2014 - 6:56pm |
I could sit in for your brother! Sorry about the family issues, they can certainly be bothersome and shouldn't deter from your monumental occasion! BHD, you are great! Resolution this year, I'm connecting with you guys! HAPPY BirtHDay! Morphini
You say tomato, I say "Hi Charlie!"

Feb 9, 2014 - 5:54pm |
 you and hobbitt should go on the cruise or something. if any of the others want to come along, fine. but do something for you! |