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Profile: Notelrac

Location: Boston, MA
Member since: May 28, 2003
Bathroom preference: ?
Birthday: Jan 18, 2038
Website: Notelrac's website
Song Ratings: ?
10 - Eve 6Inside Out
10 - MobyPorcelain
10 - The OrbToxygene
8 - BeckHell Yes
8 - CamelRhayader
8 - Elastica2:1
8 - GarbageMilk
8 - INXSMediate
8 - Jesse CookRed
8 - KoopGlömd
8 - Liz PhairRide
8 - NirvanaPolly
8 - PoeHey Pretty
8 - SiaAcademia
8 - Steely DanAja
8 - TrickyExcess
8 - U2Seconds
8 - YesRoundabout
7 - AirBe a Bee
7 - BeckDark Star
7 - BeckBlue Moon
7 - BeckGirl
7 - BellyGepetto
7 - BellySlow Dog
7 - BlurBarbaric
7 - BonoboCirrus
7 - BonoboEl Toro
7 - CamelRajaz
7 - DeleriumMyth
7 - Dr. DidgDevon
7 - HemHollow
7 - InterpolEvil
7 - Kan'NalGypsy
7 - MuseUprising
7 - PhishWaste
7 - PhishDirt
7 - PoeWild
7 - PoeHaunted
7 - Queen'39
7 - R.E.M.Drive
7 - R.E.M.We Walk
7 - Talk TalkEden
7 - Timbuk 3Easy
7 - Tori AmosGirl
7 - TrafficGlad
7 - TychoA Walk
7 - VASTFrog
7 - Wye OakSpiral
7 - YaimaGajumaru
6 - AdeleLovesong
6 - AirTalisman
6 - AirAll I Need
6 - Ari HestThem
6 - BeckGamma Ray
6 - BlondieMaria
6 - CakeGuitar
6 - CalexicoCruel
6 - DevoWhip It
6 - DovesSnowden
6 - ElbowK2
6 - GalacticPaint
6 - GarbageQueer
6 - GomezOptions
6 - GusterDemons
6 - HemHalf Acre
6 - LambHeaven
6 - LPLost On You
6 - MobySpiders
6 - MuseEndlessly
6 - Nick DrakeFly
6 - Oi Va VoiYuri
6 - OutbackBaka
6 - SpiritTaurus
6 - SpoonWhisper
6 - SpoonPink Up
6 - SyntaxBliss
6 - The CureBurn
6 - U2Bad (Live)
6 - WaajuMoleman
6 - WilcoKamera
6 - XTCGrass
6 - YaimaRise
6 - Zero 7Futures
6 - ZwanRiverview
5 - !!!Myth Takes
5 - BeckE-Pro
5 - BellyDusted
5 - CakeMexico
5 - ClinicHarmony
5 - GarbageParade
5 - GusterCareful
5 - GusterWindow
5 - InterpolNarc
5 - Ismael LoKhar
5 - JainMakeba
5 - KolidaWishes
5 - LowCalifornia
5 - Mojave 3Mercy
5 - MuktaBindi
5 - PhishSand
5 - Pink FloydIf
5 - PoeControl
5 - R.E.M.Belong
5 - SamplesTaxi
5 - SealCrazy
5 - SebadohDreams
5 - ShaktiLuki
5 - SloanTraces
5 - Slowdivealife
5 - SpoonWild
5 - ToolPneuma
5 - TravisSing
5 - WesAwa Awa
5 - Wye OakFish