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Profile: krilok

Location: Las Palmas, Spain.
Member since: Mar 25, 2009
Occupation: Mobile Communications
Bathroom preference: Men's
Birthday: Nov 4, 1972
Website: krilok's website
Song Ratings: ?
10 - CamelRajaz
10 - ElbowMirrorball
9 - SyntaxMessage
9 - SyntaxBliss
8 - DishwallaGive
8 - GoldfrappThea
8 - GoldfrappA&E
8 - JunipChickens
8 - PoeHey Pretty
8 - The CureBurn
8 - U2Bad
8 - UnkleReign
8 - YaimaGajumaru
7 - AdeleLovesong
7 - BeckMorning
7 - BeckLoser
7 - ColdplaySpies
7 - GoldfrappDrew
7 - GoldfrappJo
7 - HoleMalibu
7 - MobyPorcelain
7 - SyntaxPride
7 - The CureAlone
7 - U2Desire
7 - U2God Part II
7 - U2Lemon
7 - YelloDesire
6 - TychoDaydream