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The Smashing Pumpkins — Violet Rays
Album: Oceania
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Total ratings: 2406

Released: 2012
Length: 4:14
Plays (last 30 days): 1
Faithless moors
Pulling up your oars
From rivers I have crossed
In magic no heart's lost
And I'll leave with anyone this night
And I'll kiss anyone tonight
Am I the only one you see?
Raised from the path of revelry

Spells fall frail
Webs catching sail
In eternal eternities
Divine purpose catching free
And I'll leave with anyone this night
And I'll kiss anyone tonight
Am I the only one you see?
Seized from the wrath of revelry
Am I the only one you see?

Does love matter when loves the actor
For what you are after is me
Babe, don't leave me, please believe me
'Cause I'm so easy to know
Am I the only one you see?
Raised from the path of revelry
Am I the only one you see?
Comments (147)add comment
 blotto wrote:

I'll kiss anyone tonight? wtf? Billy needs to get laid, methinks.

thought I left a message here 11 years ago.
Each of these musicians kicks ass. Together, they all make some of the best "Turn it up!" jams on the planet!
It's absolutely lovely to hear some more recent Smashing Pumpkins on here. I'm a huge, huge fan, and whereas I love their 90s albums, their 2010s (and later!) albums are also excellent, but people often overlook them. Thank you RP!
Never liked the screeching sound of Smashing Pumpkins but this is good.
i remember hearing this one for the first time and being blown away. i was never a huge fan of this band. often, billy's voice grates on my nerves. but, wow. this one just grabbed me from the first listen. love it.
The segue from Speed of Life by Jude Cole to this song was just exquisite... well done as always BillG!
 kenmo wrote:

Right you are... but one thing, what is whinging? Maybe you mean whining?

I suspect he meant whinging.  If you had noticed the "do yourself a favour," you might have noticed that he favors the "favour" spelling of favor, which would suggest he is not on the same side of the Atlantic as you, and therefore doesn't share your aesthetic about his use of the perfectly valid word, "whinging."  

Now back to your regularly scheduled programme.
 Easyrider wrote:

Quit whinging and do yourself a favour,tune into bland commercial radio which obviously suits you better.

Right you are... but one thing, what is whinging? Maybe you mean whining?

Worth having for the album cover.
I don't like Smashing Pumpkins, but this isn't bad
This is some good Pumpkin Pie I surmise. 
So nice to hear some syncopated drumming, it's almost polyphonic 
Never liked Billy's singing much, but in this song it sounds different, it is way better!
Good tune!
Quit whinging and do yourself a favour,tune into bland commercial radio which obviously suits you better.
Maybe you don't know that 90% of all art comes out of "whiny, angst, pain, anger, despair".

 idiot_wind wrote:

One of the most over-rated bands ever. The guy's voice SUCKS.

This whiny, angst, pain, anger, despair formula for song writing is way too predictable and unbearable.

My god, when will RnR evolve beyond this formula that's been in effect for 20+ years!

Is RnR dead?      

I'm always interested in the album covers. (I'm a graphic designer.) I looked this one up. The album cover features the North Shore Sanitary District Tower.
It's located in Highland Park, Illinois. It was built in 1931 to provide ventilation for the local sewer system. What's really interesting about the Wiki entry for the North Shore Sanitary District Tower is that at the bottom of the entry, somebody's added this weird...I don't what to call it...declamation?

"shore, shore shore shore. shore shore shore, shore shore shore shore!"

This guy was so impressed by the tower he got a tat of it on his arm. Wow. That's some dedication to architecture.
Sure. This is the perfect segue from "Thick As A Brick". Naturally. From one mad artistic epic to another. 
Unfortunately, a band that is a shell  of its former self.  This song is not bad, but not great either.
 joempie wrote:
I thought this band was called 'Smashing Pumpkins', without the The. At least, that's what was written on Siamese Dream. Then one album later, the The was on the cover as well. Did they actually change their name? I know, it may seem pretty unimportant, but I find the name much more interesting when I understand that it's about someone who is smashing pumpkins, than about pumpkins that look smashing :)
It looks like a 50/50 thing.  See https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/...    Intentional oversight?  Or publicity stunt?
Sweet as F*** - God Bless them and all who sails in them
Never heard this album
Interesting sound for the ol' Pumpkins, I say they pulled it off
No Smashing Pumpkins fan, but speaking of "kiss anyone tonight," there's an appealing little Euro kinda movie in Amazon Prime titled 2 Nights Till Morning. About all that, er, kinda thing. 
Yikes!  Where is the PSD? 
 Yeoleman wrote:
Background keyboards at beginning sounds like they ripped it from Ratchet & Clank...

To me it sounds like keyboards in "Mr. Universe" by [Ian] Gillan.
Is he still doing professional wrestling gigs?  

Now there's dedication to the music profession. Just like  Jaggar,  McCartney,  Clapton, etc.  
 thewiseking wrote:

the vomit leaves your mouth
if only the shit could leave your head
Wow, wiseking, it appears that you  aren't open to different opinions. 

Is that wise?  
 idiot_wind wrote:
I'm making it to PSD, just in time...before the vomit leaves my mouth.   

the vomit leaves your mouth
if only the shit could leave your head
Naysayers be damned... Billy Corgan is a musician, like him or not.  Respect.
I'm making it to PSD, just in time...before the vomit leaves my mouth.   

Nice segue from R.E.M.'s Walking Unafraid.

Heard them having a screaming fit from the green room at Metropol in Pgh about D'arcy's drug problem.  Billy was kicking her out of the band at this point.

 joempie wrote:
I thought this band was called 'Smashing Pumpkins', without the The. At least, that's what was written on Siamese Dream. Then one album later, the The was on the cover as well. Did they actually change their name? I know, it may seem pretty unimportant, but I find the name much more interesting when I understand that it's about someone who is smashing pumpkins, than about pumpkins that look smashing :)

yes, yes, yes, I agree Sir
I thought this band was called 'Smashing Pumpkins', without the The. At least, that's what was written on Siamese Dream. Then one album later, the The was on the cover as well. Did they actually change their name? I know, it may seem pretty unimportant, but I find the name much more interesting when I understand that it's about someone who is smashing pumpkins, than about pumpkins that look smashing :)
Love the Shine On You Crazy Diamon-ish intro. 
 trevc wrote:
We can have this crap, but nothing from Captain Beefheart.

Safe as Pumpkin! Why not?
I was not a big Pumpkins fan when I was in high school and university and when they were at their peak. So maybe that helps me appreciate this more. It just sounds like a nicely textured, nuanced rock track to me. I saw a concert doc where they perform the whole album live, and really enjoyed it.
 trevc wrote:
We can have this crap, but nothing from Captain Beefheart.

Indeed. Captain Beefheart had some pretty normalish songs, to some extent, that should fit in nicely here. Not maybe Neon Dream of a Octafish, mind you, but there should be some suitable options.
 idiot_wind wrote:
Constant whining...or despair,or angst, or pain.
Check the acoustics of your surroundings, that may just be an echo.
So two years ago OLD JEFFRO says (about Coldplay) don't worry, the next song will be up soon.
And Kurtster says, as long as it's not a Smashing Pumpkins song.
Now that's funny Bill.
Tedious and yet at the same time mediocre.  
Huge audience for this, I suppose, but not me.   

I did not even hear that segue!  (Out of Coldplay's "Talk.")

Bill, you've done it again.
We can have this crap, but nothing from Captain Beefheart.
 idiot_wind wrote:
Is RnR dead?         


and it has been for 38 years - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E-VSDZuRvu0
Anybody else hear Tool's 10,000 Days intro within the intro to this?  .oO( a seemingly ban-worthy and/or shameful question in these parts )
Not Billy Corgan!!! (inside joke) The rock band I would be if I could...Smashing Pumpkins...
What kind of cheese do they want?

What kind of cheese do they want?

The cheese must go with all the "whining" fromthis band. Constant whining...or despair,or angst, or pain.

My gosh...it's like the are following a formula....add in some "thud and drone" sound, and you got a million seller.  
 crogers wrote:
Great tune!

Now, if Brother Billy could stop singing like a harpooned fur seal, this new iteration of the band would really have something that appeals broadly across the generations.  Of course, then they'd have to call themselves The Superb Squash or The Dandy Zucchinis.  Probably wouldn't fly. 

I'd buy anything by The Superb Squash. I really would
 WhiteWater wrote:
Every time this is played the opening sequence makes me think it's a Younger Brother track.

I think that every time too.
Every time this is played the opening sequence makes me think it's a Younger Brother track.
Background keyboards at beginning sounds like they ripped it from Ratchet & Clank...
This is growing on me.
Did somebody mention smashing pumpkins?
Upon hearing this at first, I thought it was 'Shine On You Crazy Diamond'...by PF. Kinda glad it isn't...one of the better SP tunes.
I have to admit I am starting to like this...no band has ever redefined itself successfully...this is not a bad college try
Great guitar sound, terrible voice
One of the most over-rated bands ever. The guy's voice SUCKS.

This whiny, angst, pain, anger, despair formula for song writing is way too predictable and unbearable.

My god, when will RnR evolve beyond this formula that's been in effect for 20+ years!

Is RnR dead?         
 kcar wrote:
Not for me. I was very happy when SP reunited but their Act 2 just doesn't grab me. Shame. 

Weird, I actually rather like this new SP,  and wasn't real keen on Act 1.
I dig this song. Great drumming. 
Voice like a chainsaw...
Hit the PSD button again...
PLEASE? Do we have to listen to the same ole song? over and over? So many better tunes by the Pumpkins .
Bill!!!! Take a break from the great songs!!! I have to go to the bathroom!!! {#Sorry}

Take one part Tubular Bells,

Add a rasping nasal vocal,

Decent lyrics,

A kick-ass drummer,

Stir well and there you have it.       

"...what Radiohead would do if they had any actual songwriting skill..."


LOL !!!   What a dumbass...  I mean, to each his own, but, what a dumbass !!!


Wait, this isn't a Radiohead song...  why are we talking about Radiohead?
 sirdroseph wrote:

If Billy Corgan were deemed to be the voice of my generation; I would switch generations or something.{#Stop}


Totally take this back, Billy you can be the voice of my generation no question. Just don't sing the words.{#Lol}
Not for me. I was very happy when SP reunited but their Act 2 just doesn't grab me. Shame. 
 MassivRuss wrote:
This song keeps getting better each time I hear it.{#Good-vibes}


I totally agree.
Blah blah blah, Radiohead is to complicated for me, blah blah, navel-gaving, blah blah whining noises ......

How about you just stick to the stuff you like.  Nobody cares that you don't like Radiohead when they listen to the Pumpkins.  
This song keeps getting better each time I hear it.{#Good-vibes}

That opening hook is very Radioheady.

But, where RH would just descend into mindless musical navelgazing, Corgan actually constructs a song from that hook. So, this is what Radiohead would do if they had any actual songwriting skill and if Thom Yorke made me want to sing along instead of scratch my 'roids.

I hate the whole, " Fire the band and start over thing," but man he got hisself a KICKASS drummer this time around, ain't he? {#Drummer}{#Drummer}{#Drummer}{#Dancingbanana}
Great tune!

Now, if Brother Billy could stop singing like a harpooned fur seal, this new iteration of the band would really have something that appeals broadly across the generations.  Of course, then they'd have to call themselves The Superb Squash or The Dandy Zucchinis.  Probably wouldn't fly. 
 gandalfbmg wrote:
... Or because my brain likes analogies, what if they both were; they wwere the Lennon/McCartney of their generation? And from that I thought maybe you could round out the Beatles analogy with Dave Grohl as George and Courtney Love as Ringo. We're I saavy enough to do so, I would photoshop the four of them into an Abbey Road album cover and write a big long blog post laying out the reasons why I think this works pretty well on all four people's account (if you're in to analogies like that, which I am) ;)
Me thinks somebody has had too much to think.

Otherwise, I think this tune is just amazing - wonderful - sublime.
 gandalfbmg wrote:

This post got me thinking about an idea that's rattled around the back of my brain for a while... People always tried to pin the title 'voice of his generation' on Kurt Cobain. But I think maybe for my money, this is a title better suited to Billy Corgan (for reasons I won't go in to deeply). But then I thought, maybe they BOTH were... Or because my brain likes analogies, what if they both were; they wwere the Lennon/McCartney of their generation? And from that I thought maybe you could round out the Beatles analogy with Dave Grohl as George and Courtney Love as Ringo. We're I saavy enough to do so, I would photoshop the four of them into an Abbey Road album cover and write a big long blog post laying out the reasons why I think this works pretty well on all four people's account (if you're in to analogies like that, which I am) ;)


If Billy Corgan were deemed to be the voice of my generation; I would switch generations or something.{#Stop}
 rdo wrote:

I think this is fantastic.  This isn't reaching back its moving forward.  

Everybody in my church thinks this song kicks ass...
Bumped up to 9. Likin' it better each time. A Corgan Gem. {#Yes}{#Clap}
 rdo wrote:
A band is truly of its generation.  You cannot just "compose" great rock music.  It's organic.  It emerges.  Unconscious.  It cannot be thought-out in advance.  It's spontaneous.  It's the best.  It's not this. 


This post got me thinking about an idea that's rattled around the back of my brain for a while... People always tried to pin the title 'voice of his generation' on Kurt Cobain. But I think maybe for my money, this is a title better suited to Billy Corgan (for reasons I won't go in to deeply). But then I thought, maybe they BOTH were... Or because my brain likes analogies, what if they both were; they wwere the Lennon/McCartney of their generation? And from that I thought maybe you could round out the Beatles analogy with Dave Grohl as George and Courtney Love as Ringo. We're I saavy enough to do so, I would photoshop the four of them into an Abbey Road album cover and write a big long blog post laying out the reasons why I think this works pretty well on all four people's account (if you're in to analogies like that, which I am) ;)
7 >> 8 

Slowly growing on me, ye olde pumpkinheade.

JCJIDWBC(+MadM)4LYFE, though! ;)
Truly "Godlike".
Love it! 
 Kilroy wrote:

You can "compose" a great post on the message board. It is not organic. It does not emerge. Consciousness. A message should be thought-out in advance. It should not be spontaneous. It should make sense. It is not this.

The point I was trying to make, rather artlessly I'll grant you, was that this song is, unlike the great SP music of old, rather contrived.  Kinda like your comment...
 rdo wrote:
A band is truly of its generation.  You cannot just "compose" great rock music.  It's organic.  It emerges.  Unconscious.  It cannot be thought-out in advance.  It's spontaneous.  It's the best.  It's not this. 
You can "compose" a great post on the message board. It is not organic. It does not emerge. Consciousness. A message should be thought-out in advance. It should not be spontaneous. It should make sense. It is not this.
I kinda like this one, but it does sound a bit like Pink Floyd after Gilmour and Wright left the band.

excellent...  love this song...

A band is truly of its generation.  You cannot just "compose" great rock music.  It's organic.  It emerges.  Unconscious.  It cannot be thought-out in advance.  It's spontaneous.  It's the best.  It's not this. 
Bill loves him some Pumpkins!
One of the better Corgan tunes...just normally not into his crooning. This isn't bad. Music is very nice.
Never been a fan, but this album is really great.
the beginning of the song reminds me of Pink Floyd...
With their discordant, screechy sound, mutant vocals, and schizoid lyrics, the Smashing Pumpkins were able to sooth my wounded and restless soul throughout the 90s.  This is just meh.
 I like it.  Billy's not anywhere near as whiny as he used to be.  This is good!
moody - love it
boring crap
 mauguima wrote:

I LOLed. And Lazarus raises from the dead... bringing with him his greened cheerfull comments.

Thank you!  We be dancing...

hope you are having a marvelous day right this minute...  love this song...
 Lazarus wrote:

marvelous song...
I LOLed. And Lazarus raises from the dead... bringing with him his greened cheerfull comments.
I concur, with much verve!  I just LOVE that stlealthy Pink Floydian beginning! and dig how it wastes little time getting down to some serious rocking!
Nadita wrote:
Smashing Pumpkins - love it forever and a day. they have been around for so long. Lived through so much shit and always remaind true to themselfes. Even when sucess came in. They deserve nothing less than doing great. And the Music still moves me in many different ways. Just great. {#Heartkiss}

marvelous song...
Among their best work, IMHO
 Biscobret wrote:

I couldn't disagree more — they are not a "they", they are a "him", Billy Corgan, and while that's OK, it's dishonest to sell music as SP, when that WAS truly a band - and it's music was more than a sum of its parts.  Billy couldn't sell out clubs - much less arenas - as Billy Corgan, and he soon realized that he would only realize "success" (read, $$$) as SP.

That said, it's a decent tune for sure.  But it's as much SP as The Spaghetti Incident is G'n'R.

Wow, that is a highly doubtful statement.  Seriously.  {#Stupid}
 Nadita wrote:
Smashing Pumpkins - love it forever and a day. they have been around for so long. Lived through so much shit and always remaind true to themselfes. Even when sucess came in. They deserve nothing less than doing great. And the Music still moves me in many different ways. Just great. {#Heartkiss}
I couldn't disagree more — they are not a "they", they are a "him", Billy Corgan, and while that's OK, it's dishonest to sell music as SP, when that WAS truly a band - and it's music was more than a sum of its parts.  Billy couldn't sell out clubs - much less arenas - as Billy Corgan, and he soon realized that he would only realize "success" (read, $$$) as SP.

That said, it's a decent tune for sure.  But it's as much SP as The Spaghetti Incident is G'n'R.
Fully down with this today. 9
We should add "Pale Horse" from this album to the RP rotation.
Smashing Pumpkins - love it forever and a day. they have been around for so long. Lived through so much shit and always remaind true to themselfes. Even when sucess came in. They deserve nothing less than doing great. And the Music still moves me in many different ways. Just great. {#Heartkiss}
 vanmas wrote:
Like a chainsaw in your ears... 1

..a very tiny chainsaw..but i think i agree..sliding this down to a 6..
i never ever liked these guys
i don't know...i like this more each time i hear it.
Like a chainsaw in your ears... 1
 mrdak wrote:
I hate this band......... but they finally found a bass player.

You know judging by seeing the new lineup live a couple years ago, and this album... they did trade up on bass but down on drums...
 TJS wrote:

I had a change of heart.  The drums spoke to me today.  5>6.

It's still not Jimmy Chamberlain...
glad you are back on air and safe...from yarra junction,a small country town in australia
grows on you nicely
 TJS wrote:

I had a change of heart.  The drums spoke to me today.  5>6.
 idiot_wind wrote:
Wow. These guys still suck.

Thud and drone approach to rock n roll...following the PAAD principal. Every song must reference Pain, Angst, Anger, or Despair.

No soul, no musicianship, just thud and drone.

Boring back in early mid 1990s and boring in 2012. I'm afraid r n r is dead.
What's the alternative - the SAAD principle? Every song must reference Sex, Alcohol, Ass-kicking, or Dope? Face it, Rock n' Roll is not exactly about high poetry, mate. 
...hey, i thought this sounded like smashing pumpkins!..
Whoah channel ELO much?
Pump up the volume,the pumpkins rock man!