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Lovage — Lifeboat
Album: Music to Make Love to Your Old Lady By
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Released: 0
Length: 4:35
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After all our dreams went down
Sinking 'fore our very eyes
Still echoing the sound
of the frozen dreadful cries

Witnessed the passing of our only loves
Lose the battle to the sea
Why did you choose my only love?
It could have easily been me

But it seems there was some other plan
One I don't care to understand
In the refuge of these foreign arms
I could find the holy land

How can it be that we defy this tragedy,
find this lifeboat in the dark?
Is it wrong that we have come together?
Wind sorrow bear a spark

In our soaking desperation
truest thing we'd ever known
But to admit that to the world would be blasphemy
just a shell we had outgrown

How can it be that we defy this tragedy,
find this lifeboat in the dark?
Is it wrong that we could come together,
veiled in sorrow, bear a spark?
Comments (115)add comment
Nice groove, I like the production too...


Throughout the song, all I wanted to hear was Rod Stewart breaking into the chorus of "In a Broken Dream". This crossed the line from integrated sample to aural pricktease.

 fredriley wrote:
WTF is that at the start? Sounds like someone doing the washing up. And the male 'singer' should quit trying to do a Tom Waits - you can't imitate the inimitable. Sleazy enough for a late-night basement after-hours bar with sticky carpets, watered-down beer, and sad lonely men, but a fish out of water in other contexts. Such as real life. 3 from the Nottingham jury with sad memories of such dives.
LOL...but the song picked up in the middle. {#Yes} At least that's when it caught my attention. 5

WTF is that at the start? Sounds like someone doing the washing up. And the male 'singer' should quit trying to do a Tom Waits - you can't imitate the inimitable. Sleazy enough for a late-night basement after-hours bar with sticky carpets, watered-down beer, and sad lonely men, but a fish out of water in other contexts. Such as real life. 3 from the Nottingham jury with sad memories of such dives.
Sod all on iTunes as well, deep gloom.
Good gods, have you seen the price of this album on amazon.co.uk? Sheesh.
Saw lovage in detroit in 2001. Ranks in the top 5 shows I've ever seen. Jennifer charles had the crowd by the balls. Mike patton, automator, kid koala all had velvet robes on and were drinkin alize...classic.
 crankypage wrote:
This album is a gem if you can find it. If you love Elysian Fields, Faith No More, Mr. Bungle, Handsome Boy Modeling Club, this is a record for you. This song, "Strangers On A Train," "To Catch A Thief," "Stroker Ace," and "Book of The Month" are all genius.

Jennifer Charles has the sexiest voice ever and this is the sexiest album of hers. 
Huh, so the avec Michael Patton is indeed the man of the Bungle.  Sounds nothing like him, but given the cover art, I'd believe it.

 Frater_Kork wrote:
The best track imo. =)
The cover is a direct reference to a Serge Gainsbourg album:

Serge managed to find himself a much nicer table than Lovage did.  The veneer work on it looks fabulous.

The best track imo. =)
The cover is a direct reference to a Serge Gainsbourg album:

I give it an eight for the title and the album cover.
The song is pretty good too.
I'll have to get my old lady to confirm that though. 
This album is a gem if you can find it. If you love Elysian Fields, Faith No More, Mr. Bungle, Handsome Boy Modeling Club, this is a record for you. This song, "Strangers On A Train," "To Catch A Thief," "Stroker Ace," and "Book of The Month" are all genius.

Jennifer Charles has the sexiest voice ever and this is the sexiest album of hers. 
YEAH!!!!!! this is more like it
 n4ku wrote:

I uploaded In A Broken Dream to RP several years ago, but it was rejected. And, yes, Rod Stewart did sing on that.

Personally I would rather hear IABD than this.

That is a very good song. Pity that it was rejected.

It was used in one of my favourite movies, "Breaking the Waves."

EELS/Portishead duet...nice
 Tony0600 wrote:
Yes, that was it, Python Lee Jackson - but Rod Stewart sang on it I believe
I uploaded In A Broken Dream to RP several years ago, but it was rejected. And, yes, Rod Stewart did sing on that.

Personally I would rather hear IABD than this.

Dig it!
you are right ! MrDill wrote:

sounds to me like Python lee jackson/ in a broken dream

Well, I'm getting...inspired!
The song gets a 7.

The album title gets a 10! Classy!!! {#Roflol}
 Shesdifferent wrote:
Not sure on this one, like the Portishead groove, but the vocals could use something
Possibly a throat lozenge.

Oh I haven't heard this in awhile. {#Yes}
Not sure on this one, like the Portishead groove, but the vocals could use something
electronicthroat wrote:
sounds a lot like Portishead with an addition of a male vocalist
Portishead is way better, though.
Tony0600 wrote:
Yes, that was it, Python Lee Jackson - but Rod Stewart sang on it I believe
indeed, see below *points down*
MrDill wrote:
sounds to me like Python lee jackson/ in a broken dream
Yes, that was it, Python Lee Jackson - but Rod Stewart sang on it I believe
A likable 7 for the song, a 10 for the CD cover. Hope this is only available on vinyl and went directly to the bottom shelf of thrift stores where other jewels of graphic design like this live out their days. (click here)
Tony0600 wrote:
This sounds like "In a Broken Dream" - Rod Stewart from 1970s
That actually broke my focus, in a real good way :)
This sounds like "In a Broken Dream" - Rod Stewart from 1970s
1wolfy wrote:
It has shades of an old Faces tune..don't push your love too far
sounds to me like Python lee jackson/ in a broken dream
Sister_Vigilante wrote:
Much prefer the tracks with Mike Patton
It has shades of an old Faces tune..don't push your love too far...in a broken dream

THAT is the best CD cover I have ever seen in my whole enter life. Ever.
electronicthroat wrote:
sounds a lot like Portishead with an addition of a male vocalist
agreed but that cover is ucking GOLD LOL
Much prefer the tracks with Mike Patton
Um, yeah, not so much.
Darkmatter wrote:
Nathaniel Merriweather? Isn't that Dan the Automator's alias?
yup, he produced this album.
From the depths of an album with a truly hideous cover, comes this gem. Love the sultry beat. Gets a 7.
I thought it was going to be a Portishead song before I checked the playlist and heard the vocal. Is it a Portishead sample??
sounds a lot like Portishead with an addition of a male vocalist
Nice cover.
I'm gonna crank up the volume and go bang the old lady!
I like this track, not bad. I also like the album subtitle, that's freakin awesome!
not the best track off the album but still great to see a bit of "Good ol' English Lovage" on RP!
Nathaniel Merriweather? Isn't that Dan the Automator's alias? (Dan the Automator on the left, together with Prince Paul)
Xeric wrote:
Tom Waites meets Leonard Cohen. And they strangle each other, so a woman starts singing. . . .
love it!... had this cd for a couple of years now. i must say i never thought i'd hear Mike Patton doing this type of stuff when I heard him back with Faith No More, and more recently with Tomahawk, Mr. Bungle, etc. anyway.. I'm glad to see Lovage make an appearance on RP!! Dan the Automator is quite the producer as well (at least most of the time).
Tom Waites meets Leonard Cohen. And they strangle each other, so a woman starts singing. . . .
It's only sexy when it's a breathy french woman. The guy is trying but it's not working.
trekhead wrote:
Lovage... Wasn't that Mr. Howellage's Wife?
Very sexy.
Lovage... Wasn't that Mr. Howellage's Wife?
Such a pleasant surprise to see Lovage make an appearance on the playlist. This track is great, but I think Lovage works best when you listen to the album in its entirety.
Very nice
It's strange that I like this. His & her voices, so different yet glued together work pretty well. Makes me actually want to find some Rob Dougan stuff because his voice is similar. Oh, and as to who'd get the gun first. Notice that the gun's grip is pointed away from the guy, almost like an offering. Offering the choice of flowers or a gun. And the cigarette may suggest a dying man's last wish to have a smoke. Who knows
nuggler wrote:
Man, the cover to that album tells a story. Suss out the gun & roses & the sleazebag loungelizard.
... and who would be able to grab it faster, him or the unseen femme fatale.
stubbsz wrote:
Portishead is right. Unbelievably similar
It starts with the descending minor progression that also begins "Glory Box". But y'know, it's not bad, in a druggy sort of way.
I like it for two reasons: (1) that really dirty guitar in the background, and (2) she's NOT trying to sound sexy by singing with a French accent.
Diggin' it. ...and who cares if it sounds like Portishead. I've been waiting for a new Portishead for YEARS. So, at least there are these ripoff bands to tie me over.
Man, the cover to that album tells a story. Suss out the gun & roses & the sleazebag loungelizard.
Gregorama wrote:
An album title that only Oedipus could love...
Nah, "old lady" is slang for wife or, at least, very significant other. And damn you RP, playing this song cost me money because I had to have the album, which is great.
mperry wrote:
I would never have heard of Python Lee Jackson if not for this song. This sounds great.
Definitely some PLJ in that. Sounds like a whole sample to me.
She sounds great, but he sounds like he's channeling Rod McKuen.
musicfreak wrote:
That's what I thought
I like Portishead, but the members of Lovage and Handsomeboy Modeling School were puttin' music on records long before Portishead!
An album title that only Oedipus could love...
Platypus wrote:
Mike Patton on RP. never thought I'd see the day. great stuff. now let's hear some Faith No More.
The only Faith No More song RP would play is probably the cover of the Commodores song "Easy"
talus wrote:
I hear Portishead in this,
Strange what people hear... I dig this smooth, airy sexy voice. But this is cool & collected. Portishead is all about terrible levels of despair with a thin ray o' hope here & there. Breathe on, little sister, breathe on...
its jennifer charles from "elysian fields' and mike patton from 'faith no more'. by the way this cd was produced by a dj (dan the automator) he directly sampled the bass line from portishead its not like hes secretly steeling it. i guess you could still argue it being a rip off. still think its a sweeet little number
Mike Patton on RP. never thought I'd see the day. great stuff. now let's hear some Faith No More.
I think I'd prefer Lifeage on the Loveboat. An ok song.
talus wrote:
I hear Portishead in this,
:? yaaay, it's not just me ... good song but I wonder if some of the people aren't from Portishead or at least inspired by them ... I just dig her voice - it's sooooo groovy ... (pimp)
Portishead is right. Unbelievably similar
lbrc wrote:
someone gong this already!
I hear Portishead in this,
Originally Posted by iamlfb: it's kind of likeable, but isn't the music a total ripoff? Portishead, anyone?
That's what I thought
you know when you a walking on a crowded street, and see that person, who you can't take your eyes off as they walk by you...your eyes locked with their...this song resulted in that sensation . (not a ten, but a nine for the good feeling)
Take me downstairs and kill me now! :verymad:
i love this song, and this band. it\'s not my favorite of patton\'s work, but it\'s pretty neat, anyway. may i suggest some faith no more, perhaps? or even some of the tamer mr. bungle?
Originally Posted by Joyfulchristine: Since everybody's hearing other bands in this song, I'll add my two cents as well. To me, it sounds like the female voice is Fiona Apple. The song is even like something she'd do.
No wonder I can't stand it.....
It\'s like bad Morcheeba. Or bad Shivaree.
Since everybody\'s hearing other bands in this song, I\'ll add my two cents as well. To me, it sounds like the female voice is Fiona Apple. The song is even like something she\'d do.
Originally Posted by Peter_B: I agree. Every time I hear the beginning of this song I think you're playing Python Lee Jackson's tune. I can't believe they get away with this if they're not paying royalties.
I would never have heard of Python Lee Jackson if not for this song. This sounds great.
originally posted by lbrc: when did intelligent rock music (notice i said intelligent rock not metal) become soulful erotic stripper tunes? i can handle that aswell, but make up your mind already
i think it's awesome to be able to hear such a variety as rp plays. something for every mood. keep playing your great mix, rp! you've made up my mind.
Oh yeah. (pimp)
The album title says it, this IS music to make love.... like the whole album ;)
Smoothe. I love the way the vocals sound together. She\'s got a cool voice. (pimp)
\"I\'d love to change the world\" meets David Bowie meets Cowboy Junkies. Not bad
I swear, the melody is the same as \"In A Broken Dream\" by Python Lee Jackson (featuring Rod Stewart). I wonder if they pay royalties for the wholesale \'sampling\'?
Not too bad. Guy singing is from The The, maybe?? Sounds like him.... Just checked - Mike Patton.
dan the automator is in this band.
it\'s kind of likeable, but isn\'t the music a total ripoff? Portishead, anyone?
i think that may be Mike Patton from Fatih No More singing on this track - i know he sings on some of their others, at least. he has one seriously cool voice, to say the least.
Originally Posted by simcha62: MMM this is good. Sound like someone I know but can't nail it. Oh now I know, the vocalist sound like Poe. Is it?
bit o' Tom Waits too. Like this.
MMM this is good. Sound like someone I know but can\'t nail it. Oh now I know, the vocalist sound like Poe. Is it?
Great tune.... man Bill is on form today
Man, this is sexy...
I love this! And the title of the CD kicks ass!! COOL!
diggin it big time.
\"Perfectly ideal music for when the party is down to 4 or 5 people and you don\'t really care if they leave or just crash on the floor\" (AMG review).
And I like it too ;)