Jeremy Limb — Metamorphosis Five

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Total ratings: 797
Length: 5:05
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I love the sound of breaking Glass.
diane wrote:
Sounds a little like that scene in American Beauty.
I see: a grey day, coming on to dusk - lots of dull leftover fall leaves blowing around in small vortices - in the corners of brick apt buildings, store doorways, closed gov buildings - snow has just started to fall... whirlwinds here, whirlwinds there...
Sounds a little like that scene in American Beauty.
Loved his moody scoring of Tales from the Loop. Fit perfectly into the somewhat eerie and dystopian landscape.
Absolutely insipid.
Devastadora. Viva Phillip
Sounds like the incidental music for an advertisement for car insurance.
Hey bill will you put on some Kronos Quartet! They have a great album of Phillip Glass compositions. Very nice.
How are there comments on here from 2002 when it says this was released in 2012. Time travel? Smartphone at the Tyson-Douglas fight.
Instantly got my attention. Knew it wasn't Ludovico Einaudi but didn't know it was Phillip Glass. Like it! Would love to hear some cello in this one, too.
More Glass.
More Glass.
More Glass.
More Glass.
More Glass.
Nice instrumental. Kudos to the person that uploaded, and to Bill/Rebecca for accepting.
peyotecoyote wrote:
It's the inexorable tick of time running out for all of us. Thirteen years later... still ticking... like a Timex watch....
Picked up this CD from Amazon a couple of weeks ago -and I love it - however there is a strange clicking sound, almost like a metronome, in the background during the first cut. Anyone else experience this ?
If not, then maybe my CD is faulty.
It's the inexorable tick of time running out for all of us. Thirteen years later... still ticking... like a Timex watch....
The emotions are strong with this one, blessed bliss
donpdonp wrote:
If I recall correctly the CD case said it was a concerto written by her dad. Apparently she got her artist tendencies from him. Dreilide Thrace was the name I do believe.
it took me a minute to remember where i heard this beautiful song before. on battlestar galactica (sci-fi channel, 2005) when kara thrace returns to caprica and to her old apartment, she plays this music.
If I recall correctly the CD case said it was a concerto written by her dad. Apparently she got her artist tendencies from him. Dreilide Thrace was the name I do believe.
I'm waiting for "it" Please tell me what I am missing here

I used to know a guy with a hugely expensive reel to reel set up that he used to show off about when we visited. He played this stuff every time, too. Pretentious arse.
MikeCloud wrote:
I'm glad that is settled. Whew.
This isn't music, it's a stoner fantasizing that playing scales repetitively is 'far out'. Any time this turns into an actual composition let me know.
No wonder no one listens to phillip glass
No wonder no one listens to phillip glass
I'm glad that is settled. Whew.
Baby_M wrote:
It also played a prominent role in the very last episode of Person of Interest.
OMG! thanks for the Battlestar G. and this reference.
It also played a prominent role in the very last episode of Person of Interest.
OMG! thanks for the Battlestar G. and this reference.
I'm not ready to rate it, would like to hear it once more.
donpdonp wrote:
It also played a prominent role in the very last episode of Person of Interest.
it took me a minute to remember where i heard this beautiful song before. on battlestar galactica (sci-fi channel, 2005) when kara thrace returns to caprica and to her old apartment, she plays this music.
It also played a prominent role in the very last episode of Person of Interest.
He is still THE BEST contemporary composer of the 20th and 21st century!

More of it!!!!

More of it!!!!

This isn't music, it's a stoner fantasizing that playing scales repetitively is 'far out'. Any time this turns into an actual composition let me know.
No wonder no one listens to phillip glass
I would give it an 8, but the length and repetition make me drop the rating to 7.
Picked up this CD from Amazon a couple of weeks ago -and I love it - however there is a strange clicking sound, almost like a metronome, in the background during the first cut. Anyone else experience this ?
If not, then maybe my CD is faulty.
wow. 10.
I like Philip Glass for the same reason I like Stereolab. I find the repitition hypnotic. I can understand why it would drive some people out of their skulls, though.
Angelof9 wrote:
Right!! Thanks for reminding me.
Huh... I knew that sounded familiar in the episode; my old roommate had several Philip Glass CDs, so I must have heard it before. I should have known it was Glass. I wonder how he would feel about the music being attributed to a fictional character?
donpdonp wrote:
it took me a minute to remember where i heard this beautiful song before. on battlestar galactica (sci-fi channel, 2005) when kara thrace returns to caprica and to her old apartment, she plays this music.
Right!! Thanks for reminding me.
Trustocity wrote:
Are you the one giving 10's for these experiments in atonal torture? I've listened to heartbeats with more interesting variations.
"Atonal torture". That's a good one. There's hardly anything that evokes stronger visceral loathing in me than Phillip Glass. Empty, boring, tuneless. Funny, because there are plenty of tuneless, repetitive things that rock. But there's something truly empty and pretentious about Glass.
I keep thinking the Jayhawks "The Man Who Loved Life" is going to kick in. Freaking me out.
Nice song made better for being on
Co-worker sez: "That'd be cool if they threw some violins in there."
it took me a minute to remember where i heard this beautiful song before. on battlestar galactica (sci-fi channel, 2005) when kara thrace returns to caprica and to her old apartment, she plays this music.
ploafmaster wrote:
Excellent! Another Glass song today? Sweet!
Another Glass song? It's the same Glass song! They're ALL the same Glass song.
Are you the one giving 10's for these experiments in atonal torture? I've listened to heartbeats with more interesting variations.
I find Glass so annoying and empty. I just don't get the repetitive-austerity-autistic thing. There's no there there. Satie is also austere, but there is a tune.
whoever said he has one song with a few hundred variations on the other song earlier're right!
Ummm . . not.
Some Philip Glass I really enjoy, some just bores me. But any rate, my mind is forever polluted and I laugh myself silly everytime I hear Philip Glass or his name as all I can think of is that episode from South Park where he is hauled out on stage to peform the music for their presentation.
Excellent! Another Glass song today? Sweet!
is it Glass' birthday or something? second track today.
I saw/heard that piece performed live by Frederick Chiu a few weeks back at a great little concert hall at the local art center. It put me to sleep today just as it did then :D
Yeah, but ... where's the metamorphosis? Where's the change? It's the same blasted thing from one end to the other. Oh well ...
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Location: Hunkered down.
Posted: Thu Sep 16, 2004 2:40 pm < Reply >
On the heels of DSOTM, this is brilliant.
Care for any of his Koyaanisqatsi stuff? Will upload....
So is RP really a looped program --- albeit one that loops after six months or so? Is it a secret government project? Am I paranoid? And if I'm not paranoid, can they still be after me??
I can't believe it...a Philip Glass tune that doesn't sound EXACTLY like every other thing he's written. Repetitive yes, but very relaxing...
The album is "Solo Piano," I believe.
How about a glass of red wine and a comfy chair over in the corner?
Just upped from 8 to 10 to show how much better this is than the stuff I don't like
Serene beauty. Wonderful composition. Brilliantly played.
More Glass, more Reich.
Skeletor wrote:
On the heels of DSOTM, this is brilliant.
Care for any of his Koyaanisqatsi stuff? Will upload....
For those that liked the visuals in Koyannisqatsi, may I recommend "Baraka" as a movie that is stunningly beautiful?!? Not a word spoken nor subtitles of any kind in "Baraka", and the music is sorta new-agey (nothing like Glass), but the movie works. Again, if you like the VISUAL aspect of Koyannisqatsi, you'll like "Baraka".
One of the Apollo astronauts was quoted as saying "magnificent desolation" when asked what he thought of the moon. This song makes me think of that quote. Beauty and sorrow in one package.
Bill, are you practicing the piano in the studio?
jes kidding, pretty interesting... (in moderation)
StevieB wrote:
Thank God I'm not driving right now. I'd probably drive myself off a cliff, (if I didn't fall asleep first)
We're all glad, too. Driving and typing don't mix.
I see:
a grey day, coming on to dusk - lots of dull leftover fall leaves blowing around in small vortices - in the corners of brick apt buildings, store doorways, closed gov buildings - snow has just started to fall... whirlwinds here, whirlwinds there...
Thank God I'm not driving right now. I'd probably drive myself off a cliff, (if I didn't fall asleep first)
I could listen to more of this. Actually, it puts me in the mood for Ludovico Einaudi.
ObsidianInfinity wrote:
Repetative and anoyingly predictable....but nevertheless pretty decent.
Yup, technically adept but just void of any soul to me. It is trance-like and soothing but on the other hand I find myself restless after a while which cancels it all out.
Bravo to RP for just playing Phillip Glass!
Repetative and anoyingly predictable....but nevertheless pretty decent.
Skeletor wrote:
On the heels of DSOTM, this is brilliant.
Care for any of his Koyaanisqatsi stuff? Will upload....
i like that better than this.
It has the same sort of relaxing, mystifying effect on me as for instance Debussy's music can have. Though the latter's music is more romantic (19th century!).
It all depends on whether I'm prepared to open up for it. Not always.
Isn't that BB King speaking in the introduction to this "song"? Sounds like him.
Is the cd stuck or something? Same chords over and over. Dull.
Wowm this just simple incredible, what an extraordinaire artist.
Shimmer wrote:
Nice, but not much of a threat to Mozart, Beethoven, or even George Winston.
..and shouldn't be compared to those composers/ artists. Truly an apples and oranges sorta thing.
On the heels of DSOTM, this is brilliant.
Care for any of his Koyaanisqatsi stuff? Will upload....
Huge fan of Phillip Glass and Peter Gabriel. I think there's a theme here....
dmax wrote:
I remember taping all the sides of Einstein on the Beach onto a reel of tape and playing the whole damn thing in a row. Somewhere around side 6 or 7 I break through the wall, and it all clicked with me. I love a lot of Glass' stuff, but it's not background music or rock and roll.
Agreed. but I love it - and love Einsten on the Beach. Don't know if you have seen the qatsi trilogy movies with Glass music, but it is truly mesmerizing.....
Should be titled \"Monotonous Five\"! Not much happening here! 

I love piano music but his songs are not doing anything for me :(
Originally Posted by great_one:
Repetitive, redundant and on top of that, he keeps playing the same damn thing over and over! 
Guys like Philip Glass, Steve Reich, that's just kinda what they do. Some find it dull, some such as me, find it hypnotic.

Actually, it's from"The Thin Blue Line,"
the Errol Morris Film based on
"Adams V. Texas"
re: an innocent man on Death Row.
More fiction the world can live without, (tongue
firmly in cheek!)
Originally Posted by window:
Yes, this was in The Truman Show.
Originally Posted by great_one:
Repetitive, redundant and on top of that, he keeps playing the same damn thing over and over! 
That was a good one. 

Nice, but not much of a threat to Mozart, Beethoven, or even George Winston.
Originally Posted by rgj13:
Hey, at least RP didn't play Glass's (in)famous piece that's all silence... 
FYI: That's John Cage, not Philip Glass. Philip Glass is quite normal compared to John Cage. ;)

Originally Posted by tdierks:
Was this in some movie or tv show??
Yes, this was in The Truman Show.
Was this in some movie or tv show??
Originally Posted by roguewarer:
Can I just say I think Philip Glass's phrasing is repetitive and uninspiring?
Can I just say I think Philip Glass's phrasing is repetitive and uninspiring?
Can I just say I think Philip Glass's phrasing is repetitive and uninspiring?
Can I just say I think Philip Glass's phrasing is repetitive and uninspiring? 
That is his style - He's a minimalist - Long and repetitive.

Originally Posted by hobbitt:
You definitely have to be in the right frame of mind for Glass. And I'm almost never in that state. *yawn*
I'm sorry for you hobbitt; it betrays your nom du plume (sp?)
Wishing you well. 
Originally Posted by hobbitt:
You definitely have to be in the right frame of mind for Glass. And I'm almost never in that state. *yawn*
Hey, at least RP didn't play Glass's (in)famous piece that's all silence... 
This is beautiful.
You definitely have to be in the right frame of mind for Glass. And I\'m almost never in that state. *yawn*
Philip Glass\' piano solos are some of the most beautiful ever composed. Amazing.
thanks for this!
This isn't music, it's a stoner fantasizing that playing scales repetitively is 'far out'. Any time this turns into an actual composition let me know.
Webfoot wrote:
I'm glad that is settled. Whew.
I vote we throw 4'33" at him.