Ellie Lawson — Open Up the Door
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Comments (35)add comment
i think she has a good mix of several of her predecessors. my first thoughts were of Sarah Mclaclan, Dolores ??, the lead singer from the cranberries, perhaps some Nelly Furtado, and Shakira. there was a note she hit that made me think of someone else but couldn't place it. funny though, Alanis, did not come to mind. hmmm... this tune made me dance in my seat. good enough for me. i liked it.
do really need more than one breathless whiner?
Shesdifferent wrote:
... And she's doin' it! ... Out there doin' it! ...
How can you call this crap? You must be some old coot, cause she is singing young and hip.
Yes this girl has alot to prove following her Alanis sound alike-tough rap.....good sound.
she keeps moving more and more towards sounding like alanis...
Yea, Alanis for sure. I hear a little Ani DeFranco too.
grassfolk420 wrote:
I'd rather place a burning cigarette on my cornea than listen to this crap.
How can you call this crap? You must be some old coot, cause she is singing young and hip.
Yes this girl has alot to prove following her Alanis sound alike-tough rap.....good sound.

Ahhh, who cares she sounds like Alanis or Shakira. Don't all angst ridden acoustic, folk rock, female artists sound like that? If she shaved her head, I bet you'd say she sounded like Sinead. Right?
I just looked her up online, she's pretty hot though. :)
Alanis Morissette didn't sound good when you sang like this and it doesn't help Ellie Lawson either.
jagged little pilfer
Jesus, that's freakin funny.
I'd rather place a burning cigarette on my cornea than listen to this crap.

Oh my. Could we sink any lower?
This is the first song that I've seen with more 1,2 and 3 ratings than 7, 8 , 9 or 10 votes. Not my cup of tea but would probably do well with the myspace crowd.
Hmm ... it's new to me - her voice is distinct, the song's got good rhythm and I think I like the vocals. Yep - it's awright

I had to post something here, just so there was at least one post that didn't mention Alanis Morissette.
(Oh. Dammit.)
What the crap is this?
Ah, it's L.A. Lawson again.
I didn't realize that hack (Morrissette) changed her name.
haha! oh dear! Did you enjoy your trip to Ireland Miss Morrisette???
I don't usually do this...matter of fact...I make it a point not to ... BUT: This sounds WAY too much like Alanis to the point that despite any merits to the artist in this song, it's just way too distracting to judge the song apart from that INCREDIBLE simularity.
begin rant...
Really, just the other day I was a bit irritated that I've read so many posts on Radiohead/Coldplay stylistic simularities ... I mean really! There must be 20+ bands being repeatedly compared to those groups (most without merit). Give it a rest and find a more constructive criticism. YES! ... there are stylistic similarities between those seminal groups and many others, but no more than what one that would compare Pink Floyd with the ambient stylings of a band such as Queensryche circa Empire (ie. Silent Lucidity).
...end rant
Jeez, talk about being self contradicting. :)
Nice song supposing that I could get over the distraction of hearing an angst-ridden-Canadian.
jagged little pilfer
C'mon people, that was FUNNY
Happi wrote:
Alanis would never sing about domestic violence.
No? I wouldn't necessarily agree with that.
That aside, vocally she does sound very similar to her. Song-wise it's kinda Shakira-ish.
It's not bad, I just don't particularly like it a lot.
Does sound like Alanis, but with a vaguely Irish accent. :)
oh love these atlantis rip-offs. she should be ashamed of herself.
BoFiS wrote:
reminds me a little of Alanis
Yeah, but would she go down on you in the theatah?
Just got the album..its very eclectic..many emotions.

She has a wicked sense of rhythm..like Jamaican chatting. Alanis would never sing about domestic violence.
It's like fingernails on a chalkboard
dontcha think?
All the faults of Alanis, with none of the merits.
I really thought this was Shakira. I was very scared that Bill had gone off the deepend.
Vocally she sounds too much like Alanis Morissette. I think drawing from an artists style is cool but I hope her other stuff is more original. Maybe just a coincidence
and I'm not a fan of AM anyways so
hey, I was just comin' in here to say that she sounds like Alanis... I've got the volume down low so I can't comment on the content of the lyrics or anything, just the sound of her voice.
WAY too Alanis-wannabe. So much so that I actually had to log in and make a comment on RP after a million years.
jagged little pilfer
Lots of Alanis...
never heard of her, nor heard her before, but pretty good...reminds me a little of Alanis