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The Last Bison — Switzerland
Album: Inheritance
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Total ratings: 344

Released: 2013
Length: 5:37
Plays (last 30 days): 0
We tried to sleep up in the banks of snow
But soon discovered it was far too cold
So we then retreated into town
To find a place where there was level ground

Call home

Oh oh Switzerland
You've taken way my breath now once again
You've left me with a sense of compassion
For the ones who
Cant pick them selves up off the ground

Oh Switzerland
I never thought id have you as a friend
I'm praying it was not at all pretend
I need you now
To help pick me up from off the ground

Our drinks were hardly worth the price we paid
But we thanked God for them anyways and
With five minutes left we broke our backs
To spend more money than either of us had

Call home
Comments (95)add comment
 The_Walrus wrote:
Sherley there's shum mishtake here?


And, but of course "_Walrus, I am The Eggman.
Sherley there's shum mishtake here?
Help... my PSD is not working.  Happens a lot lately.
I like it :)
Catchy melody. Solo may artificially (specifically) negligent. Very unusual.
 GarageDragon wrote:
8 - - > 9 

I don't get why the hate?  This song isn't serious music; it's just fun. 
My guess is that the haters don't think it's fun. I know I don't.
You have got to be kidding me. I was just waiting, hoping, praying that the Mumford+Sons fad would go away quickly. . .and now there are freaking copy-cats? DAMNIT. 
I'm surprised at how quickly I recognized this song-- only 1-2 seconds-- and how automatic my reaction was to head for the PSD button.
This is a great tune.   I love the fact that it gets played even when it has a current average score of 4.6.

Ohhhh Nooooooo!!!  Really?! People like this - WOW?!
It makes me smile, but I'm not sure that's the intention.
Haha, I just returned from PSD to this song. PSD take me away again! (Ahhhhhh, Imogen...)
8 - - > 9 

I don't get why the hate?  This song isn't serious music; it's just fun. 
Bill, how 'bout playing any LRC song instead of this one?
 OHMish wrote:
This is horrible. Make it stop {#Frustrated}

It just keeps going! and going!
This is horrible. Make it stop {#Frustrated}
Guy needs a throat lozenge and a stiff whiskey I think...
And maybe some songwriting lessons.
One of the very, very few songs I wish were not played here
 hwcarter wrote:
+1 for not letting a seizure get in the way of a recording session, studio time isn't cheap.  So, a 6 from me.

It's not Tourette's? Really stupid singing. 
I would have preferred this Last Bison of Switzerland to yodel than to scream out his flatulent doggerel.
With singing like this is it any surprise that he is the last bison in Switzerland?
Horrible lyrics. Sort of a rediculous song really. But still, quite catchy.
beautiful music; real talent behind those instrunents....but i can't appreciate the forced vocals 
Utter bilge
 hwcarter wrote:
+1 for not letting a seizure get in the way of a recording session, studio time isn't cheap.  So, a 6 from me.
chuckle, chuckle.  Anybody taking a stab at interpreting the lyrics?

Oh yeah, Bill?  Keep the "eclectic," baby.  Always good to hear something new.
+1 for not letting a seizure get in the way of a recording session, studio time isn't cheap.  So, a 6 from me.
Kinda shocked at all the hate.  Then again... really not.
Too bad they killed off all the bison in Switzerland.
Nice pictures in the iPad app however...
Nice album art.  Awful singing.  {#Taped-shut}
Mumford & drunk   yet I still believe 
Can't deny that he's burning a lot of calories with this vocal effort.
It is growing on me.  Sometimes you just have to trust Bill.


eroz wrote:
This is getting alot of hate but I am with Bill on this one. I like it.


 h8rhater wrote:
The crybabies have come out in force on this one.

Hey..."The Crybabies"...good band name. Perhaps better than "The Last Bison". I do kinda like this tune regardless. Thanks h8rhater for the laugh.
The crybabies have come out in force on this one.
Don't mind this song . . . gave it a "5" . . . but it may have convinced me that with the advent of this song, we've officially run out of topics for songs.  {#Biggrin}

Good idea to follow it with Funk #49 . . . clears the air, a bit.
This is getting alot of hate but I am with Bill on this one. I like it.
Can't take my earbuds out fast enough!
Ack, this song is still in rotation?  Had to kill Winamp and log on the web site in order to lower my rating on this song, which was already a 2. {#Stop}  Something about this song just gets under my skin, like fingernails on a chalkboard. 

Interesting bi-modal distribution of votes.  About 70 one and two votes and another 70 six and seven votes.
This tune sounds like gypsies had a run in with circus freaks. Not sure what to make of it...yet didn't mute it so, once again thanks RP.
Sounds to much like the Fleet Enema Foxes  to me and not in a good way....
Isn't my cup of Bison tea  . . . but, being challenged musically is . . . good . . . I guess.
4.7?! Come on, even Tori Amos' covers get higher scores, it's not that bad...
This band and song are unique. Not always in the mood for it, but then again, there aren't too many musical acts I can say that about too.
 Jacksonstat wrote:
Worst. Concert. Experience. Of. My. Life. 1.
That statement requires a story. We'll wait.
got so excited when i heard the string pickin...but thpse vocals Ayeee yi yi
 fredriley wrote:

Well, they're not poncey nobs so that puts them several rungs above M&S. Quirky and idiosyncratic, very RP.

I thought a bison was what the Queen washes her hands in (you've got to be British to get that one).

Hey, even across 2 ponds we get that one!
Truly - Can't figure out why some of you hate it that much.  Sounds like Mumford to be sure, I think it's a decent song.  A "2"  Reallllly.......
Do you go into the negative numbers for you song rating?  I hope so.
 gvan wrote:
Tiny Tim + Mumford & Sons + Dave Mathews = Three way tie for last.

With a bit of Eurovision thrown in for good measure.
Tiny Tim + Mumford & Sons + Dave Mathews = Three way tie for last.
 fredriley wrote:

Well, they're not poncey nobs so that puts them several rungs above M&S. Quirky and idiosyncratic, very RP.

I thought a bison was what the Queen washes her hands in (you've got to be British to get that one).

Nah, the queen doesn't wash her hands in a bison, she gets someone else to wash her hands in a bison. Now I've got that incredibly odd picture in my mind, this song is slightly more bearable. 
Knocking this to a 3.  Terrible.
 fredriley wrote:

Well, they're not poncey nobs so that puts them several rungs above M&S. Quirky and idiosyncratic, very RP.

I thought a bison was what the Queen washes her hands in (you've got to be British to get that one).

Totally get it. Still sounds filthy to me. I'm sure they're great guys though. Blah.
Seems to me they are about to break out into a bit of the Beatles Nowhere Man.
jangly noise. sorry bill.
 blotto wrote:

Mumford and Sons devil spawn, suck, but a bit less obnoxious as M&S. I give "2"

Well, they're not poncey nobs so that puts them several rungs above M&S. Quirky and idiosyncratic, very RP.

I thought a bison was what the Queen washes her hands in (you've got to be British to get that one).
 gillespp wrote:
I don't care for this at all but if Bill likes it, well, it's his radio station. I certainly can't argue overall against his taste, which is 98% impeccable. And where he's wrong, he's probably not—it's probably me.
Well said.  Agree.
I love it! Very catchy and fun.
I like it very well. Vive la switzerland! 
these bands with the shouting vocals, badly strummed acoustic and violin, cello...are a dime a dozen these days.  This latest flavor is starting to taste stale. 

Mumford and Sons devil spawn, suck, but a bit less obnoxious as M&S. I give "2"

Let's play limbo, everyone!  How low can you go??
 Dave_Mack wrote:
Ummmmmmm. No.

Actually, the thing that annoys most is "com-pash-shin".
Yeah, it's awful the way he shoehorns that word in there. 
Like a hyper Dave Matthews on speed and folk.
This guy's signing is so ridiculous it's almost funny. Funny, but not entertaining. 
Yeah.  This is bad.
Ummmmmmm. No.

Actually, the thing that annoys most is "com-pash-shin".
Sounds somewhat like the Proclaimers but not quite as good.
If this is what the last bison sounds like, then maybe extinction isn't such a bad thing after all.
Absolutely horrible.  1.
Oh, God, noooooooo ....

iPod time .... 
This guy really can't sing that well.

Some artists can get away with it - loads of character in the voice - sometimes results in a 'love/hate' opinion.
Bob dylan, neil young, johnny rotten etc.

Unfortunately, that character is missing from this particular vocal.
As for the rest of the song, well, it's trendy right now, isn't it?
What with Mumford and other artists doing the banjo/ukulele big bass drum trad folk type thing.

If you want modern folk, Fleet Foxes - now that is good.  

This, well, it's ... been done to death. 
If you can get your hands on their original indie release "Quill", do it.  About half of the songs are also on their major label "Inheritance" release.  With the exception of the father playing banjo and mandolin, this group is all between the ages of 18 and 22.  The musical arrangements of classical strings mixed in with bluegrass strings, a pump organ, bells, and other various percussion instruments are incredibly uplifting.  I'm looking forward to hearing this band mature and where they take this refreshing music.
I don't care for this at all but if Bill likes it, well, it's his radio station. I certainly can't argue overall against his taste, which is 98% impeccable. And where he's wrong, he's probably not—it's probably me.
"Refined lyrics"? Endlessly repeated "Oh Switzerland "?

Either some critic is having a laugh, or this turgid drivel isn't representative of their output.
"...  has received critical praise noting the bands complex arrangements, refined lyrics and vocal harmonies."

I can go with that, but want to hear more from these guys before rating.

(but you gotta give points for an original band name!)
He throws his voice around like a child throwing a tantrum. Embarrassing, and about the most unpleasant thing on the RP rotation. 
 Jacksonstat wrote:
Worst. Concert. Experience. Of. My. Life. 1.
Obviously you've never been to a Barenaked Ladies show....
It's like a train wreck you can't look away from.

Love all the comments. 
Isn't this Mumford and Sons?
Worst. Concert. Experience. Of. My. Life. 1.
And now, on second listen, weirdly, I'm humming along. So I take back all the bad things I said below. (Maybe it's just that it sounds kind of familiar?)
Sweet song.
Oh no - this is really bad!  Amen for the PSD!
UGHHHH...where is the PSD button
 ubuntourist wrote:
Hmmm. I rather liked it, but wasn't paying any attention to the lyrics.

Me too
Hmmm. I rather liked it, but wasn't paying any attention to the lyrics.
Might not like it? I love it!! Never heard of them - thanks!
 d-don wrote:
Sounds like Tiny Tim on an iron lung machine. God awful.

Now that is a funny comment.
I have to get my ears around this. Pretentious or poetry? Gotta go to a lyrics site. But certainly different.  
Yikes. This is an unholy mess, like Mumford & Sons crossed with Gogol Bordello with a touch of Arthur Brown.
Sounds like Tiny Tim on an iron lung machine. God awful.